Well, after all there are good news, hope autodesk people continue working and release a plugin, it would be great. Thanks for your help!

RE: Max Plugin
Max Plugin
Hi sketchucation friends! I apologize if this question has been asked before, but is there any plugin that allows you to export a sketchup file directly into .max format istead of exporting to .3ds and then importing in max? thank you for your help.
RE: Vray reflection mapping
Very beautiful scene thomthom. I have tried to make my own with an HDRI map but after more than 10 trial errors can't get the desired position for my sun. Is any easyer method to quickly position your hdri?
RE: Vray reflection mapping
Guys, really, really Thanks
Freeagent, now with the scene on my hands everything's clear. Thanks everyone for taking so much time with this. I wish some day i will help you as you have helped me
RE: Vray reflection mapping
Sorry for my late answer. Thanks all for your interest and help. I have never used the "reflection per texture method", so i'm learning a lot in this thread. And yes, stinkie, that's exactly what i'm looking for, i didn't know it's name (specular maps). I have some arroway materials too kwistenbiebel, and they are the reason of my search. They came with diff, bump/disp and other one (now i know it's specular), and i wanted to know if it's possible to use in VfSU. Sorry again not for being clear when speaking english
RE: Vray reflection mapping
Hi Peter. I think i haven't explain my problem very well, sorry for my english, i have to learn more about the language
My problem is that i don't want my materials to shine at an uniform way. For example, a wood use to have unperfections and when it receives the Sun only a few parts of the wood shine. I want to create a texture that says to vray what parts of the wood have to de affected by the sun and which not. Like specular map or something like that, i don't know how to call it.
And the same for walls, tell vray that the light has to understand that there are some parts that due to material's natural imperfections aren't going to shine like others that are close to them. To give more realism to textures, to behave more close to real life.But i'm very interested on your problem too, i haven't tried that yet, and it would be a great help for me too if someone tell us how to solve it.
P.D.: I bought your Sketchup 3D Garden pack yesterday and it's really good! thanks for such a good work. Whaiting for the next release...
Vray reflection mapping
Hi sketchucation friends. I would like to get this kind of reflections:
It seems that sun only reflects some parts of the texture (see walls and floor wood), reflections are in a not uniform way. Is possible to make something like this in VrayFSU? how? I've tried to put a reflection map (made by me, something like a bump map image) in reflection "m" slot, but i don't get anything. Many thanks for your help
RE: V-Ray Interior
Thanks nomer... hopefully some day i'll be able to make your skill renders
V-Ray Interior
Hi sketchucation friends, here there are two shots made with vray. Does anyone know tips for improving it? i'm starting lo learn vray and i've seen that in this forum there are many people that are very good with this program. Thanks for your help!
RE: Aidus WIP.
Many thanks for your quick response. So, you have to aply texture to each leaf individually? it seems Soooo long
But i'll try. Thanks for your help!
RE: Aidus WIP.
Really amazing, Aidus. It's very impressing the amount of highpoly vegetation. How did you set-up maxwell instances? and how did you import Onyx trees? i've tried thousand of times but i only get untextured models when i import onyx trees inside sketchup
Many thanks and sorry for my ignorance
RE: Can't work with SketchUp --> Vue 7
Thanks for your help, guys. I've been able to sucesfully load the model into Vue! Your tutorial is great Adam, thanks for it
What can I say... THANKS!!!
Can't work with SketchUp --> Vue 7
Hi sketchucation friends. I've recently started using Vue7 and it's an amazing program, i would like to use with sketchup. I'm an architecture student, and i use to make my projects in sketchup. I would like to import them into Vue and add a realistic vegetation and environment.
I've trying to do it but i'm not able. I have noticed that:
- Vue7 can't import SketchUp 7 models (File --> Import Object...)
- When I import a model from SketchUp 6, model's components or parts go away!
- When I try to import a quite big SketchUp 6 file (20mb) it says that can't read that file
This is the model i'm trying to import (i've tried with a lots of more). I think it hasn't very much components.
I've tried exporting the file as .obj and as .3ds, but when Vue7 imports them (after 20min) it can't handle them, it seems that they're very heavy for vue.
I've tried exploding whole model, but does't work. Sincerelly I don't know what to do, Vue is a very good program, but i can't find the way to make a workflow with SketchUp. Your helt would be very apreciated. many thanks!
RE: Concept Diagrams
Thanks Scott. I don't know anything about photoshop, is it easy to do that?
RE: Concept Diagrams
Hi Scott. Excellent work
It's pure sketchup without any postprocess? It seems that your buildings have some kind of smooth gradient, they look very good. How did you get this effect? thanks!
RE: Lego & Hypershot
Thanks for the information Scott
I used genetica a lot in the past, and it's new features are just amazing. It can create and edit HDRI's!!!
(http://www.spiralgraphics.biz/gen2tour/edit_hdri.htm#tour1)I've made a couple of turntable renderings, it's a GREAT tool, with very good results. It is a shame that you can't do a flightpath
RE: Lego & Hypershot
Well, it's divided in more blocks than in the render, i don't think that they correspond with LEGO real pieces. See:
RE: Lego & Hypershot
Thanks for the suggestion, BubbaLove. I would like to do it, but unfortunately hypershot doesn't support sketchup scenes and/or camera positions. Maybe in hypershot 2.0...
RE: Lego & Hypershot
You're right scottpara. I've tried it, but hypershot doesn't handle bump maps very well, it needs normal maps. I've tried to make a good one, but i can't, sorry. I don't know how to do it