I don't really want Picasa to make backups of every image I tweak. In
fact, I find it rather annoying. I have to manually delete the images in the hidden folder. Is there any way to disable the backup feature?
Latest posts made by iarch
Disable backup in picasa?
What do I do with the _s image files?
I have bought arroway textures and they have come with bump maps, and specular maps with _s name extensions. How can I use them in Vray? I'm using 1.49.01
RE: Trying to export a view with curved lines
@tig said:
Exporting as 3d will keep curves/arcs/circles and layers etc but 2d will always reduce stuff to lines only. What's wrong with doing a 3d export ?
3d also increases cad file size isn't it
So that's why i need a smart trick to export 2d graphic with all the lines.
Vray - to the scale renders
I want to render a front elevation of a building that fits on a scale of 1:200 on an A1 size sheet. How can I do it?
RE: Readymade archviz backgrounds
Nice links man! I checked Dosch catalogues and they are mindblowing !
Trying to export a view with curved lines
I'm trying to export a view as an autocad drawing using 2d graphic option, that has curved shapes. but sketchup doesn't export the lines which are curved. I have a bathroom interior in which my fittings are curved.