It is also strange that the texture witch filename (example) giraffe is, after exporting to Kerkythea the name FM_Giraffe gets.
Why is there the FM, and how do i get rid of it.
My texture is good on the front face and not on the backface
It is also strange that the texture witch filename (example) giraffe is, after exporting to Kerkythea the name FM_Giraffe gets.
Why is there the FM, and how do i get rid of it.
My texture is good on the front face and not on the backface
Why is it then that this problem only occurs when i use PIPE ALONG PATH or LOFT by Spline etc etc
I have attached a file where the front is made by myself, and the back is made with pipe along path.
When i make a model with loft by path for instance and i texture it with a nice texture, then something strange happens.
When i export my modell to kerkythea the texture gets a FM for his name and after rendering there is no texture to see. Can anyone tell me what is the problem, or do i something stupid
It is very nice, do you have made this from a picture or just out of your mind.
It looks like the little streets off casablanca
Coffee table penny after a very quick render
Nice render but the textures are little bit flat, and the room is to my opinion a little bit empty and therefore not so cousy.
But i like the light and the shadows from the light.
Is there a good tutorial to make table clothes and specialy for round tables.
I have for 4 years now solar panels on mine roof, and they work great. because i get more electricity then i use over a year. So every year i get money for delivery of power.
But i like the style of sketching, and i would like to know witch texture you use, because i am skecthing my own house and i need them for my roof
After upgrading to V8 i tried the plugins because i heard not every plugin works.
So i tried also the fur plugin, and this is a quick result from a little creek with grass on the wall
I have now problems with my free sketchup 8 edition, everything works perfect.
I want to know why people are disappointed because nobody have said that the must go to version 8. So when you're not happy with the new version stick by the old one.
I use 7 pro and al the things i miss in the 8 free version i can still do in the 7 pro version and then import in 8. For me personal i use the 7 version to create my own materials.
So don't be disappointed because you can still use the 7.1 version. And perhaps we get quite soon a 8.1 version
When you use a PNG file as a texture, how can you see through the holes with a renderer.
Perhaps the opacity and a bump map ?
I would like to make a net behind a soccer goal, or a fence around a soccer or baseball arena.
Like this example. Is there a plugin for or another trick
Your quite right, and the man who made the goal should normally send off before he could score.
But when the dutch player Robben his greatest chances (twice) on this tournament bring too good end, then we where the winners.
But the referee had to make mistake right from his first game (Spain-Switserland). It is normal on such a tournament that you never get the same referee twice. This rule is not handed this year and that is why the dutch complain.
After a long and exiting world championships the dutch soccer team is arrived in Holland.
The supporters and the queen are glad to meet them.
See the impression of there arrival in Holland.
The streets where empty, and today everyone is in Amsterdam for the celebration of the squad
In the Netherlands are coach van Marwijk and captain van Brockhorst, who will retire form soccer, decorated with a award from the dutch queen.
We are one off the country's with not some many citizens like spain/germany etc etc.
And we are proud of our second place, not of the soccer we showed in the final.
Congratulations to the Spain,
We didn't show our best side, and thats wy Robben disappoint us twice, when he was alone in front of the spanish goalkeeper. Normally he made 1 off the 2 chances. And when he did it now then we probably would be celebration today.
But in Spain we have a good world champion, and we licking our wounds for the third time.
I like your reaction but is not quite correct because, it is not dutch blood but german. So we are honored the king of Spain, with our German blood.
William of Nassau
am I, of German blood.
Loyal to the fatherland
I will remain until I die.
A prince of Orange
am I, free and fearless.
The king of Spain
I have always honored.
But when we are going is history, then you can say that South-Africa and Kaapstad are founded and raised from dutch people. That is way they have a language with a dutch accent in it.
With our German Blood and our Spanish King and the Dutch Strength we will win this cup. Just like the european cups from Barcelona comes from the foot of the dutch players.