@rich o brien said:
Someone better start the 2016 wish list pronto
My wish would be the same that I have every year: a true Mac version instead of something that just happens to run on a mac.
@rich o brien said:
Someone better start the 2016 wish list pronto
My wish would be the same that I have every year: a true Mac version instead of something that just happens to run on a mac.
Thanks for taking the time to try and help. I oversimplified the example. I will UL a better example this evening.
My target usage for all of my models requires that I use a single png texture file. Many require an Alpha channel for a portion of the model. This can require days to weeks of trial and error. There has to be a simple solution.
The attached file is a box with a window. Half of the window is 100% Alpha (that works), half is 50% (that does not work.)
@thomthom said:
....difficult issue to debug, as it appear to be local to your machine.
That's it! Boy do I feel silly. Deleted the .plist files, restarted, problem solved!
Sorry to have troubled you, I should have thought of this sooner.
@thomthom said:
Do you notice any artefacts in any other applications?
What about Fredo's tools - he uses similar technique to draw the UI as I do.
no problems with other apps or fredo's stuff
sketchup (and only sketchup) itself crashes a lot
it may, in fact, be the most poorly written high profile app ever--they know there's something terribly wrong or they wouldn't have two different, simultaneous, autosaves! (And neither of them work as advertised!)
@thomthom said:
That is very strange. What are you hardware specs? What is the graphic card?
Is it possible to update the graphic driver - or is that done automatically by OSX?
2010 Quad-Core 2.93 GHz i7 iMac
ATI Radeon HD 5750 1GB Graphics Ram OpenGL 3.2
Can not upgrade driver
@thomthom said:
I'm baffled.
Could it be an OpenGL issue, hardware? If you disable hardware acceleration under Preferences - does that have an effect?
Ok, this is just weird:
Turned off HA
Dialog says: The change will take effect for new windows
Toolbar returns in the existing window
However, now it's gone again regardless of HA setting! (I even tried restart.)
I may need to reinstall the OS--not fun
@thomthom said:
hm... And your monitor resolution is larger than 1133px wide? Or, is your viewport that wide?
And if you have the Ruby Console open while you use Vertex Tools, do you see any error messages appearing?
no errors in console
@thomthom said:
Ok - lets debug that toolbar:
Can you please type:
#<TT_Vertex::Settings:0x169d16f4 @section="TT_Vertex", @cache={:remember_uv=>true, :view_normals=>true, :context_menu=>true, :radius=>0.0, :vertexinfo_x=>615, :axis_lock=>false, :normal_size=>20, :vertexinfo_y=>234, :gizmo_visible=>true, :l10n=>"en", :vertex_size=>6, :merge_tolerance=>0.393700787401575, :last_select_tool=>:rect, :last_tool=>"T_Select_Rectangle", :toolbar_x=>1133, :axis=>:local, :auto_smooth=>true, :ss_cos=>false, :toolbar_y=>202, :initial_tool=>"T_Select"}>
@thomthom said:
Try this...
t=UI.toolbar('Vertex Tools')
@driven said:
you could check the 'defaults' position or just set a new one
for position-
defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.google.sketchuppro8.plist ALToolPalette_Vertex Tools_frame '150 797 36 304 0 0 1920 1178'``
or what ever your toolbar is actually called.
for visibility it's the Sketchup version to give
<key>SketchUp.Toolbars.Vertex Tools.Visible</key>
should show up on restart...
good idea, didn't work
@wind-borne said:
That toolbar does occasionally disappear for me also, usually when editing a group.
If I close and reopen group the toolbar reappears in the same space as before when Vertex Tools is reactivated, never had toolbar move.
I've gotten used to doing that without giving much thought.
I've even tried a new window, 2 quads, no toolbar.
@gaieus said:
I don't have experience with Mac toolbars either but is there any chance it's floating somewhere either behind the SU window or off-screen?
Hi, I'm the one with the problem. I've eliminated the possibility of it floating behind the SU window. I'll have to think about the off-screen possibility.
@wind-borne said:
Are we talking about the single button to activate tool?
Nope, the single button is there. It's the long toolbar that appears after one clicks the button that as wondered off.
@thomthom said:
@wind-borne said:
Are we talking about the single button to activate tool?
Yes. I'll point the user to these screenshots and see what he makes out of it.
No, it's the toolbar not the activate button.
@mariocha said:
@unknownuser said:
Let's hope Google Sketchup will update to a decent working version on Lion before June 30 2012...
Well this brand new maintenance update sure fixed the scene problem.
Glad to hear that, however this version is far from being a Lion application: Save does not work as it should, but of greater importance there is no way to achieve Natural Scrolling. You may not like Natural Scrolling, but it's somewhere between arrogant and hostile for Google to recode the software to reverse an action of the OS while purposefully preventing those who understand why scrolling works the way it does in Lion to use Natural Scrolling!
For those users who wish to say they prefer unNatural Scrolling, fine, Apple allows the user to turn Natural Scrolling off--Google, however, will not allow me to turn it back on!