Disappearing toolbar under OSX?
@gt5 said:
@wind-borne said:
Are we talking about the single button to activate tool?
.Nope, the single button is there. It's the long toolbar that appears after one clicks the button that as wondered off.
Ah! I completely missed this!
Sorry - now I'm with you!
Ok - lets debug that toolbar:
Can you please type:
@wind-borne said:
The main toolbar and information panel within Vertex Tools have at times disappeared when editing inside of a group. Vertices will be highlighted blue as if waiting to be selected, no toolbar and nothing can be selected in Vertex Tools until I exit group and reenter group edit mode and open Vertex tools again. Then all functions normal. Select freehand initial tool. Of course I couldn't recreate today
When this happens, can you please open the Ruby Console and see if you're getting any error messages?
@thomthom said:
Ok - lets debug that toolbar:
Can you please type:
#<TT_Vertex::Settings:0x169d16f4 @section="TT_Vertex", @cache={:remember_uv=>true, :view_normals=>true, :context_menu=>true, :radius=>0.0, :vertexinfo_x=>615, :axis_lock=>false, :normal_size=>20, :vertexinfo_y=>234, :gizmo_visible=>true, :l10n=>"en", :vertex_size=>6, :merge_tolerance=>0.393700787401575, :last_select_tool=>:rect, :last_tool=>"T_Select_Rectangle", :toolbar_x=>1133, :axis=>:local, :auto_smooth=>true, :ss_cos=>false, :toolbar_y=>202, :initial_tool=>"T_Select"}> -
hm... And your monitor resolution is larger than 1133px wide? Or, is your viewport that wide?
And if you have the Ruby Console open while you use Vertex Tools, do you see any error messages appearing?
@thomthom said:
hm... And your monitor resolution is larger than 1133px wide? Or, is your viewport that wide?
And if you have the Ruby Console open while you use Vertex Tools, do you see any error messages appearing?
1766no errors in console
I'm baffled.
Could it be an OpenGL issue, hardware? If you disable hardware acceleration under Preferences - does that have an effect?
@thomthom said:
I'm baffled.
Could it be an OpenGL issue, hardware? If you disable hardware acceleration under Preferences - does that have an effect?
Ok, this is just weird:
Turned off HA
Dialog says: The change will take effect for new windows
Toolbar returns in the existing window
However, now it's gone again regardless of HA setting! (I even tried restart.)I may need to reinstall the OS--not fun
That is very strange. What are you hardware specs? What is the graphic card?
Is it possible to update the graphic driver - or is that done automatically by OSX? -
Do you notice any artefacts in any other applications?
What about Fredo's tools - he uses similar technique to draw the UI as I do. -
@thomthom said:
That is very strange. What are you hardware specs? What is the graphic card?
Is it possible to update the graphic driver - or is that done automatically by OSX?2010 Quad-Core 2.93 GHz i7 iMac
ATI Radeon HD 5750 1GB Graphics Ram OpenGL 3.2Can not upgrade driver
@thomthom said:
Do you notice any artefacts in any other applications?
What about Fredo's tools - he uses similar technique to draw the UI as I do.no problems with other apps or fredo's stuff
sketchup (and only sketchup) itself crashes a lot
it may, in fact, be the most poorly written high profile app ever--they know there's something terribly wrong or they wouldn't have two different, simultaneous, autosaves! (And neither of them work as advertised!)
Two different simultaneous autosaves? Worst written high profile App? We must not be using the same software. Mine almost never crashes (except when I'm doing particularly grueling things to it in terms of high poly models).
but seriously, simultaneous autosaves, what does that mean? I've never seen that. Mac thing? Or is your SU really borked?
@gt5 said:
sketchup (and only sketchup) itself crashes a lot
hm... sounds something is amiss. I do experience the occasional crash, but not a lot - and I can almost every time trace it down to a rouge plugin. Sandbox Tools is my main cause for crashes - but that's only when I use it. Some other plugins might have observer active that might crash SU at any given time.
Do you have a lot of plugins installed?
Could you try running SketchUp with just Vertex Tools - no other plugins? Just so we can eliminate conflicts.
This is a very difficult issue to debug, as it appear to be local to your machine. And all the data I get out of the API indicate that the toolbar is positioned and visible in the viewport - which makes me suspect there is something else going on here.
@thomthom said:
....difficult issue to debug, as it appear to be local to your machine.
That's it! Boy do I feel silly. Deleted the .plist files, restarted, problem solved!
Sorry to have troubled you, I should have thought of this sooner.
@gt5 said:
@thomthom said:
....difficult issue to debug, as it appear to be local to your machine.
That's it! Boy do I feel silly. Deleted the .plist files, restarted, problem solved!
Sorry to have troubled you, I should have thought of this sooner.
I'm not that familiar with OSX - can you explain what these .plist files are? Where they are? In case I should get this questions again.
it's where defaults write and sketchup.write_defaults both read/write from/to.
there is also another less obvious one here
~/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Shortcuts.plist
john -
@driven said:
it's where defaults write and sketchup.write_defaults both read/write from/to.
there is also another less obvious one here
~/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Shortcuts.plist
johnAnd what other side-effects does erasing these files have?
you loose all 'user' settings, the app regurgitates it's default list on next startup,
it's a common debug step, "trash the preference list" although I prefer to overwrite or delete only the suspisious ones, so I keep all my paths, toolbar co-ords etc...
john -
so the code I left earlier in the thread would have done the same thing, but only to your plugins prefs, if it had all your plugins names right...
Right, I need to make a note of this. How often do you find yourself doing this?