Alternatively, could you share a .dae file that you know to be fine with me please?
RE: .dae import fail
RE: .dae import fail
How about this instead as 7-zip was taking too long.
RE: .dae import fail
Hi Dave. I've tried it with several files from here and it's the same with them all. I'm also struggling to upload it to here too as it says the "dae extension is not allowed"
.dae import fail
I've searched the forum for answers to this, but everyone else seems to be struggling with additional software and more technical issues than mine. I simply wish to import a collada file into sketchup Pro 2017, but it just says "Import Failed" every time - I've nothing to go on other than that, so I don't know what is going wrong. I've tried every configuration of the options (merging coplanar faces on/off and validate dae file) but it makes no difference.
I'm running the latest version of sketchup and following the simple steps listed here, so I don't know what's going wrong. Can you help me please?
RE: Scale tool peculiarity
@dave r said:
That sounds like the behavior of a dynamic component with constrained scale parameters to me. Could you share the component that is acting weird?
It's a component from the warehouse named "Out-Swing French Door - Tuscany Series". It is a dynamic component, but I couldn't see where I could alter any constraints on the scale parameters, so I just exploded it a bunch of times and re saved it as a component which seems to have done the trick.
Thank you for helping.
Scale tool peculiarity
Sorry if this has been covered already, but I did a quick search and couldn't find it.
As of this morning I've moved from SU8 to the latest 2015 version, but within minutes I encountered a problem when I tried to scale a component. I grabbed the relevant point as usual and dragged it to the size I wanted (aligning with another point), but when I let go it just snapped straight back to its original size. I've tried it several times now, but I'm assuming the error is somehow with me rather than SU as everyone would be going nuts about it otherwise
RE: Starting from scratch with hard/software
I'm afraid that anything with a "steep learning curve" will be avoided as I'm just too busy to give them the time they deserve to get the best out of them. Often while I'm creating one model I have the next two or three jobs waiting for me already, so I seek efficiency rather than perfection when it comes to rendering and post processing - automated settings corrections are my best friend .
RE: Starting from scratch with hard/software
Thanks for the reply. I've commented below.
@jql said:
Pretty generic questions here...
Best render engine - Thea! But for what quality? maybe something like Lumion suits you well it's faster to get some nice videos, but it costs as much as your new rig and it won't achieve absolute photorealism. Have you considered Blender? - Luckily I don't have to worry about photorealism too much, that's why a "one click" render engine like Podium has been ok so far. Also, my work tends to be more focussed on getting a lot done rather than perfecting one image - RenderIn has caught my eye in this regard.
Post processing for still images - might be Photoshop... just not Elements, then you could try Gimp that it's free and, in many aspects much better than that or even on some functional aspects it's even better than Photoshop (though PS is king!) - Gimp is definitely where I will be heading for PP. PSE just came pre-loaded on my current laptop
Starting from scratch with hard/software
Oh wise and learned folk of the forum, I seek thy counsel:
I've reached the point where my 6GB Dell laptop running SU8 Pro, SU Podium, Podium Walker & Photoshop Elements 9 just isn't really performing adequately. I am willing to invest Β£2-3k in something that I hope to get 3years minimum out of, but I'm terrified of throwing my money at the wrong thing. I work from home and site so I need to have a device that can go with me and my models are always commercial building interiors and exteriors, so a good library of textures/models is always good. SU Podium served its purpose in the past, but I think it's rather dated now, plus I would like to use render software that previews renders rather than wait half an hour for a render that has failed for some reason or other. Anyway, if you would be so kind as to advise on the criteria below, I would be overjoyed.
Best Mobile Workstation (small details will mean a lot to me here as I've no clue which graphics card etc to get)-
Best Render Engine (must include ability to make video) -
Best post processing software -I'm posting it in the Sketchup forum as everything hinges on it. Without Sketchup then the other software is useless. I'm also acutely aware of various threads in a similar vein to this, but I'm a new one man business and I am really hoping for some customised advice as I don't know where else to turn to.
Thank you.
RE: A Way to import .SAT files into SU
Gah! I thought I was onto a winner when I read this post, but alas it wasn't to be. I've been supplied with hundreds of .sat files that would help me out enormously if I could get them into SU. I need two of them for the project I'm working on today, but as I didn't create the .sat files I can't control the settings of them, and I assume that is what is preventing me from importing them into Draftsight.
I don't suppose there are any other suggestions are there?
RE: Intersect Faces issue (please help ASAP)
@tig said:
The 'Intersect' tool is limited by SketchUp inbuilt tolerances, so if the curved surface is very very faceted, and it could result in new edges <~1mm, then some might be missed out... [your screen-grab did not have hidden-geometry 'on']
The intersection geometry appears in the current context, so if you are editing an object when you do the intersect the cut lines appear in that context...
I did alter the number of facets from 12 to 48 for the curve, so maybe that's it, but 48 doesn't seem too much of a request for something that size... or does it?
RE: Intersect Faces issue (please help ASAP)
@cotty said:
You should not explode the object before the intersection.
I tried it before exploding and after exploding (basically every possible combination of grouping, one item grouped, all exploded etc)
The thing is though, you can see the outline part way up the 3D shape where the intersect must have occurred, but the face/plane remains unaffected.
I'm in a mega rush with this job as I've been given it at extremely short notice, so I've botched a fix by manually tracing round the 3D shape, which has worked.
Dave R, I'm afraid I've saved the botched version now so I don't have the faulty one to upload to satisfy your curiosity thanks for the offer though.
Intersect Faces issue (please help ASAP)
I can't believe that I'm actually having to ask this, but I'm in a real pickle here as I can't get a 3D curved object to intersect with a plane! I've grouped, exploded, intersected the 3D object, intersected the plane. I've attached an xray view which shows the line around the 3D shape where the intersect appears to have taken place, but when I select the plane it also selects the segment within the 3D shape.
You're looking down on a ground floor ceiling that I have just begun and the shape is a cut out in the ceiling allowing light in from the 1st floor glass roof, so now you know why it's important that I sort this out
This is stuff I've done a millions times before and I don't know why it won't work.
RE: Natural water, streams, rivers etc
Thanks Mitcorb, you're correct, my issue is more to do with how to show the water rather than the terrain through which it runs. As it is a 'brook' and not a 'stream', the water trickles unevenly over rocks etc and drops into pools in some places along the way and I'm not sure how I should attempt to show it.
PS: The waterfall you mentioned sounds interesting, I'll try to look for it.
RE: Natural water, streams, rivers etc
Wow! I've actually managed to catch you guys out for once. No worries, I'm sure I'll come up with something ... awful
Natural water, streams, rivers etc
Hello chaps. Please could you advise me on the best way to draw a natural stream please? I'm planning to design a garden that has a brook running through it and my main problem is showing water running through it in some manner that doesn'tlook too awful. Once ccompleted I'll render using Podium, so I don't know whether that might gave a bearing on your preferred method.
Thank you once again.
RE: Additional Styles
Yay! Positive feedback from the big boys! Makes a pleasant change to being told off for "plane clipping" and such like
RE: Additional Styles
It took me a while to figure out what on Earth i was doing, but i eventually generated something kind of like i envisaged. There's a way to go I reckon, but I've taken the first tentative steps
RE: Additional Styles
@dave r said:
Unfortunately you won't be able to get that sort of thing with styles in SketchUp. That's going to require some post processing.
One easy way to get the watercolor feel to the drawing is to run it through Fotosketcher's Watercolor filter. I do this sort of thing once in awhile. I make separate exports of the edges and the faces so I can manipulated the colors and add texture without impacting the edges. I then overlay the lines in an image editor. I can show examples if you're interested.
Sounds Great Dave (though maybe a tad complex for lickle ol' me )
I've just found some great Styles provided by Lidelin/Lin, but I'm interested in your suggestion too Dave.
I can't believe I'm only just finding out about these styles being freely available! I also can't believe I've never heard of Fotosketcher before today either!! What other fantastic secrets have you all got hidden?