. . . wee bit of tweaking . . . time to move on to the next one . . .
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
Thanks - I'm still enjoying this very much.
Although I try not to confuse activity with progression, even I can see a little improvement from a year ago.
Happy Sketching,
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
. . . cftd #2 . . . no, I am not doing drugs . . .
RE: What's your beginners tip?
I create a small box so I can quickly reorient the screen cursor onto either of the three default planes - put the cursor on one of the faces of the box, hold down shift to lock the orientation - this works but I'm sure there's a shortcut but I've never discovered what it is.
Happy Sketching,
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
. . . the previous roof was simply hideous . . . this one is a small improvement . . .
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
. . . CFTD . . . same recent theme, slightly different variation . . .
Happy Sketching,
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
@unknownuser said:
Learning curve of Blender is something that only a monk can do
I must not be a monk - thus far, I haven't found Blender to be very easy to learn, but I'm not very smart.
I will be downloading the 30 day version of MOI next week - I'm finishing a semester of graduate school and I don't need the distraction right now.
Thank you very much,
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
@unknownuser said:
As pilou has been suggesting, id check out MoI for a good introduction ot modelling with NURBS.
I just did that - I qualify for the educational version, not bad at $100, eh?
I hope my boss will reimburse me for it - if not, I'll just have to pay for it myself - no biggie. Thanks for the tip - I look forward to using it.
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
So, the car is impressive!!! I should look into NURBS, eh? Does Blender do them?
I was almost sure I saw a package of NURBS at the store the other day - right next to the wood screws on the fasteners aisle - must have been something else I guess.
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
@unknownuser said:
You have never try nurbs modeling?
Nurbs? Is that puffed cheese? Tell me more . . .
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
@unknownuser said:
. . . the proportions are spot on.
Thanks - I'm not very good at this - very much hit & miss, more miss than hit.
Here's the finished concept model using the geometry from the video tutorial.
Happy Sketching,
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] GreenToaster "6 Minute Car" Vid Tuts
Here's another (pretty lousy but very quickly done) video tutorial showing a "follow me" technique. Apologies for the poor quality of the video and overall car design - but this technique could be used to create some nice stuff.
Comments - positive & negative - are always welcome.
Thanks & happy Sketching,
[flash=448,361:464815vv]http://i103.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid103.photobucket.com/albums/m157/ShermanPeabody/bw_sfe_01.flv[/flash:464815vv] -
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] GreenToaster "6 Minute Car" Vid Tuts
Just realized the site hosing that video chops off anything beyond five minutes so the last two minutes are missing . . . I'll try to crank up my computer and create the last two minutes of the video, then upload it, link it here & so forth.
As is, I guess you get the main point showing how Follow Me can be used for blah, blah, blah . . .
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
I think this is a link to the video I created this morning and posted this evening - again, sorry for the lousy quality but I think you can get the idea - nothing earth shattering new or difficult:
Thanks and happy Sketching,