I got this book last night for some inspiration:
It's got some phenomenal cars - cars I've never even knew existed. Pretty amazing stuff.
I got this book last night for some inspiration:
It's got some phenomenal cars - cars I've never even knew existed. Pretty amazing stuff.
Have you ever considered modeling an Opel GT?
Thanks for sharing your phenomenal talent.
Do this and it won't work - and I guarantee it:
Select a group (very important)
Window -->
Preferences -->
Shortcuts -->
Edit/Item/Flip Along/Group's Green -->
Add Shortcut (insert X in field) -->
Press the "+" button -->
Copy the group -->
Now, the "x" function does NOT work
This is a car I have students create - ugly and boring, but provides them with a quick lesson to help them "see" proportions. Of course, we start out with simpler objects - this is an activity for intermediate users.
It's easy to change everything on this car very quickly so proportions can be considered. I want them to look at the model and know when it's "just right" - or close enough will do.
I provide them with wheels, tires, wells & a brief tutorial - it's a four minute project and has worked very well in the past.
@jim said:
Do NOT assign shortcuts to the numberpad keys, especially if you ever use the Numberpad to enter Measuremensts (VCB) values.
And . . . don't use X as a shortcut key or you won't be able to create linear or radial patterns.
. . . ? . . . I always thought the forte of SketchUp was to enable users to create quick concept sketches - I guess I'm missing something - oh well . . .
. . . if you only have a couple of minutes . . . it's better to sketch something than nothing at all . . . . . . well, maybe . . .
. . . yeah, yeah, yeah, I know - too chiseled . . . just a quick study w/proportions . . .
. . . I have no idea where this one came from . . . next time, I'll remove the blindfold before I start sketching . . . . . .
@unknownuser said:
Here is my 2009 Trojan Cobra WIP. Still looking like a Mustang but now starting to look more like the new GT.
Nice - thanks for sharing.
Keep it up.
Tomorrow is my first day of a 16 day vacation - Hopefully, I'll begin posting some new stuff in a few days.
@unknownuser said:
. . . you can modify one leg thereafter and redo the whole table.
Yes, but you'd still need to figure out how to deal with the four seams splitting the table into four parts. By creating the table as I did, you can still vary the length, width, or depth using scale.
I guess for every advantage, there's a disadvantage in whatever we do.
Happy Sketching,
@unknownuser said:
Have you posted the other videos on line?
No - I need to find someplace that allows me to post them without reducing the quality so much - someplace free would be nice.
@unknownuser said:
I suppose in this one you could use a component of each quarter as well.
Yes, but you'd have lines between the components, then you'd have to explode, & blah, blah, blah
~ or ~
perhaps use the view options to mange the thicker object lines: View --> Edge Style --> Profiles (for example).
@unknownuser said:
Could you tell me what your avatar picture is? Always wonder.
I fly radio controlled airplanes & helicopters. These are two of my favorite (and very numerous) airplanes: SuperFly and HyperFlea - you can get them here:
http://www.superflyrc.com/ The smaller HyperFlea is my favorite and flys well in wind, is very easy to transport (small, nothing to assemble), extremely durable (when you crash, not if), will fly fast or slow, looks good in the air, good maneuverability and flight characteristics, inexpensive, good flight times, blah, blah, blah.
I've been able to do a couple dozen tutorials since this one - I enjoy them but it seems like my students don't really like them very much.
Happy Sketching,
In addition to setting your units first, if you're going to draw a small object, like a watch, for example, you may also want to disable length snapping, or set this number to a smaller value.
Window --> Model Info --> Units . . .
. . . nothing special or different - just playin' around . . . having fun . . . my grad-school stuff is almost finished . . .