Something different . . .
RE: My First Robot - GOSH, I Love This Stuff!!!
Wow, seeing so many of the other modeling projects, I'm realizing just how primitive and unprofessional my projects are . . . still though, I'm having fun, so there's no loss of interest whatsoever . . . I downloaded Kerkythea and Wings 3D - hopefully, I can begin more formal exploration of those tools soon (Blender is still somewhat overwhelming, Wings 3D looks easier to grasp). If I didn't have 8462 irons in the fire . . .
RE: My First Robot - GOSH, I Love This Stuff!!!
. . . now it can think . . . isn't it Alan Parson's birthday . . . anyone remember I Robot?
My First Robot - GOSH, I Love This Stuff!!!
It's in a very primitive and non-detailed form but I did this one today while students were taking a Final Exam. It's got axes where stuff should spin around (on a layer named "Construction", not displayed).
I know the proportions are sort of goofy and it's really "bland" but it was very fast - and loads of fun to put it into different positions. Need to add hands, feet & head.
Hope ya'll like it - would really like to see other people post better robots.
Happy Sketching,
RE: Anyone Up For Some Friendly Competition?
Very cool stuff - I like all three of them - thank you for contributing.
For next week's contest I thought it would be nice if the folks at Google would provide a prize - like, maybe a BMW Z4 Coupe. I'd like red, please.
Happy Sketching,
RE: Anyone Up For Some Friendly Competition?
@unknownuser said:
why isnt it green??? haha
Actually, GreenToaster refers to my car, a kiwi green Honda Element - looks like I'm driving a toaster. -
RE: Anyone Up For Some Friendly Competition?
Thanks, I wasn't aware of that thread.
I'll work on a ginger bread hause. With my skills, or lack thereof, I can see many challenges including the globular icing.
Here's a quickie I did today during class . . . sorry to get off topic . . .
I keep thinking that if I keep doing this that someday, maybe I'll improve. Not happening so far, but it sure is fun. I discovered a new tool today which is always great.
RE: Anyone Up For Some Friendly Competition?
And a super-quick, no details idea for a lawn mower . . .
RE: Anyone Up For Some Friendly Competition?
This was just a quick, maybe 6 or 7 minute model - very simple, but, at least the gallery has begun. Now, it certainly won't be difficult to "better" this model, eh, so, bring it on!
Anyone Up For Some Friendly Competition?
Would anyone like to compete - sort of - and use SketchUp to create something?
As an Industrial Designer, and someone who loves to use SketchUp, I'd like to propose some "ground rules" for the first competition:
1 - It's all in fun
2 - Don't forget rule number 1So, does anyone have a topic or product or thing we could start this with? Perhaps this could be a weekly event? I know virtually all of you here are architects or you do something that's related, so we could do that, or a shampoo bottle, a tricycle, a chair, lamp, or a kitchen - doesn't matter as long as rules are applied.
If we don't have any input or can't reach a general agreement for the first project, I'll propose designing one of the following:
- toaster
- lawn mower
- bed
Competition ends and new project begins one week from now, 10:00 p.m. Eastern, 23-Dec-07.
Anyone else wanna participate? Moderators, hope this is okay?
RE: CamtasiaStudio Freeware
Wow, again - just installed Camtasia and looked at the "how to"videos - what a remarkable educational tool - will be fantastic for creating tutorials & even quizzes!
RE: CamtasiaStudio Freeware
Wow, CamStudio is going to come in very handy with the online tutorials I want to provide for my students - great link. I'm way behind the curve on this sort of thing - seem to be working hard instead of working smart.
RE: Green Toaster's Car Sketches
Here's an idea for a four wheel pedal car sans bodywork, drivetrain, steering, et cetera.
Green Toaster's Car Sketches
I'm not getting much better with these cars - I'd really like to start creating some more realistic, cool looking vehicles like I've seen others have done.
Are there any tutorials for some nice cars?
RE: Aligning the Protractor & Other Tools
@unknownuser said:
Once you get it, it's just like whistling or cycling or swimming...
Yesss! Got it, been there, done that - most wonderful & I knew I was missing something.Thanks to everyone - I especially enjoy the tips by Jean (Johnny) Lemire from Richelieu, Quebec, Canada - I am now going to make a conscientious effort to say only nice things about Canadians . . . even if it means lying. (ha)
There seems to be a small region where you can move the cursor in a circular pattern & the cursor flips quickly between R-G-B axes - love it.
Happy SkechUping,
RE: Aligning the Protractor & Other Tools
Well, when creating a blank, or new file, I can't seem to create a cylinder on its side.
Creating a cylinder coaxial with the blue axis is easy - aligned in this direction by default, but having the center of the cylinder coaxial with the green or red axis seems impossible. The workaround I've been using involves creating a little cube and dragging it around with me so I can align the protractor with one of the faces, then hold the Shift key and then my axis is locked. I've read lots of info, watched some "how to" videos, but never seen a better workaround, although I am pretty confident one has to exist.
RE: SketchUp Pro Questions
My son recently obtained a refurbished Mac from Apple (I think it was Apple). He loves it and it came with a warranty, so maybe you could get one sooner if you consider a refurb?
After 30 Minutes w/SP
Just something quick and easy but I thought it was very cool. I did this after about 30 minutes of playing around with SketchyPhysics - nothing spectacular.
It might look better if you first run it from the original view (top view), then change the viewpoint and run it again - whatever.
For whoever created SketchyPhysics I must say THANK YOU!!!
I'd love to learn more - I'll poke around and try to find some .pdf or similar - already saw several videos at YouTube but they seem to provide more questions than answers.
Thanks for viewing my file - I'll try to figure out how to capture videos and upload them also.