To Krisidious
Google used SU as a tool. That is to let a 3D world grow by itself using millions of users to model. That worked to a certain degree. But as a 3D information model for the planet the concept failed. Scanning these days does provide the info and incredibly fast.
To Starling
Skunkworks could work very well. But @Last and Apple and many more had or have a "skunk" at the top leading. I am sure lots of skunkworks achievements in so many of companies see their work dismissed. I remember the iPad being reviewed and dismissed by CEO's of a majority of IT companies.
Imagine Apple taken over by Hewlett Packard a decade ago with Steve in a "skunkworks" arangement. Or Facebook by MS with Mark in charge of the skunkworks group of enthousiasts.
The fact is that, however great Sketchup is and was, the founders were not of the same quality the former mentioned ones are. Steve and Mark could not be bought. Another example is Drew Houston ( Mark, Steve and Drew want to be independent to make the best product they can because they know that is the only way to feel the same drive.
The fact remains however optimistic you are that Sketchup has a developers team that is not independent. They dance to the music as set out by Google and now Trimble.
As a positive note, I think Trimble sounds better.