DraftSight is great for general drafting, its very fast and light compared to Autocad and runs on my mac have been using it for while now and have not had any issues.
Latest posts made by fakircho
RE: Alternative to AutoCAD
RE: A Bit of a Scare
I don't really understand what the issue is? It just a disk image, of course you can keep the dmg file. You can make backups of it until your heart is content and you can save them anywhere you want.
RE: Morph in ArchiCAD. ( Sketchup like function(s) )
I saw the morph in Archicad 16 and felt that we are getting left behind. Sketchup should have had that in its core functionality ages ago. Besides the guys doing plugins there has not been any significant modeling capabilities added since the sandbox tools and that was in the @last years.
I actually felt sad watching that. That is just my personal rant.
RE: Can any one do this facade by SU ?
That is actually very easy, only looks hard beacause every floor plate has a different shape and that gives the 3D effect
RE: A new home for SketchUp
I really think that the next step has been long overdue for Sketchup, i just hope this is the right one, good luck to the Sketchup team
Sign me up for this too please!
This is ridiculous, even if you could somehow make out the little fuzzy image what about all the stuff you download
that was created on Windows machine, it has no preview in OSX. Even the stuff i get from Formfonts has no preview on the mac. I am i supposed to open every file and resave (also delete the backup that gets made) it in order have a small chance of maybe making out what is on that fuzzy thumbnail.Please Google Sketchup team, it is not much to ask for a decent preview icon of your model.
RE: Who is better by you ?
@thomthom said:
The thing is - there is no universal answer for what OS is best. It's completely subjective depending on ones needs.
Thank you for that, you have nailed it on the head. So this whole one is better than the other is a bit pointless.
Use whatever makes you more comfortable. It is entirely up to ones choice.
RE: Preview SU files on Mac
Graphic converter works, but why can we not get a native support under OSX for previews???
RE: Google SketchUp vs. 3dsMax
I think that Sketchup is a design tool before its a modeler. Max is a modeler and not a design tool.
I don't use Sketchup because its the best modeler, but because it is a best design tool.
I am speaking as an architect.