This PC is 32 bit, Win 8.1 and running 2016 Make. The new 2017 version requires a 64 bit machine, correct?
How do I get rid of the popup that suggests I buy Sketchup Pro ?
Buy Pro popup
Dialog box details
Many plugins, when actuated, open dialog boxes to change parameters.
How do you contact the author (Flat Text, Dave Penney) to explain their use?
Are the values in inches or metric or pixels or WHAT?
Log in to Warehouse
Simply clicked on SIGN IN and got the following:
"Something went wrong during the authentication process.
Please contact system administrator.
Reference ID:
239e7c31-be93-4bb7-8a87-c94f4516f797 "What goes?
RE: Query tool and SU 2017
@dave r said:
Clearly something is wrong since we're getting different behavior. Maybe someone from the SU team will be along and see this thread. If you were using the pro version you could get direct customer support from them.
Re installed SU 2017.
All is well.
Drafter -
RE: Query tool and SU 2017
@dave r said:
Screen shot of your SU2017?
Attached is the 2017 screen shot
Notice....nothing displays on lower left.
Also the display on the model will fade out after about 2 seconds.
RE: Query tool and SU 2017
@dave r said:
This is in SU2017. The info is being displayed at the bottom as expected.
[attachment=1:3dem36kc]<!-- ia1 -->Screenshot - 1_9_2017 , 10_08_50 AM.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:3dem36kc]Is it possible the bottom of the screen is down behind the taskbar?
I can run either SU Make 2016 or 2017 on my 64 bit laptop.
Attached is a pic of the bottom left display for Query running Make 2016.In my original letter, by "Pick" I meant to say "Hover over".
Oops, the image should be labeled "2016"
And "no", the bottom of the screen is not hidden in either case.
RE: Query tool and SU 2017
@dave r said:
I just installed it in SU2017 to test it. It works fine for me. Try starting it with the Ruby Console open. Does it give any messages?
It works for me in 2017, but it does not display info on the bottom left of the screen.
In 2016, it displays Pick location, coords, length of line and [I think] one other factor.
Also in 2016, the displayed text remains visible until another point is picked. -
Query tool and SU 2017
Make 2017, Win 8.1, 64 bit
Query doesn't read out in 2017 as it did in 2016.
Reinstalling "utilities.rb" in 2017 showed no improvement.
Please advise -
The Pro Effect
Each time a new SU version comes available, I've allowed the upgrade to install. And each time the Pro version is included for a 30 day trial period. I'm not a professional, so Make is all (thank you very much) that I require.
Am I imagining things, or do some plugins that work with Make work better with SU Pro? -
RE: Bowling ball roll
@drafter said:
@sketchyphysicsnutt said:
Hi mate don't understand what u mean by "Controllers are absent"
this may help u out
When I his "start", A blank panel, where you expect to find controllers for such things as servos, is "Blank".
Hold the phone!!
Tried it again and it works fine.
What threw me off was the letter "S" is the keyboard short-cut for SCALE. So the icon for scale kept appearing. So I deleted the short-cut.............And ALL is well.
Thank you for your time. -
RE: Bowling ball roll
@sketchyphysicsnutt said:
Hi mate don't understand what u mean by "Controllers are absent"
this may help u out
When I his "start", A blank panel, where you expect to find controllers for such things as servos, is "Blank".
RE: Exporting MSphysics replay
Please explain the 3rd item in this (attached pic) dialog box.
When I export images and go thru the process of making a video, the end result is a movie with a duration of about 100 time longer than I expected. In other words, the clip should be about 12 seconds, not 10 hours long. I used both Movie Maker and MakeAvi with the same results. The you tube tutorials I can find, only casually mention the process.
RE: Bowling ball roll
@drafter said:
@sketchyphysicsnutt said:
Hi drafter i had play with your model and to get the strike power u need
i added a servo with hammer strike lever (both can be hidden from view)
press (S key) for strike and tweak strength and acceleration for your needs
BowlingAlley2 it helps
TezThank you much. Are there other keyboard shortcuts you can share?
When I open this "revised" dwg, Controllers are absent. I don't know why.
RE: Exporting MSphysics replay
By the way, I'm using the latest version with Win 8.1 and 64 bit.
Exporting MSphysics replay
Please explain the dialog boxes that accompany exporting the replay images in order to convert to a movie in programs such as Movie Maker.
One of them asks for info to include in each frame. The other asks for number of Frames[?]; example.....01 to 10000.....WHAT? -
Show me how to do this w/ MS Physics
I designed an access door to a crawlspace. The door will swing up 90 deg's, then slide onto a shelf above the opening. I got the door to swing open, but have no clue as to how to move the door (including its hinge and servo) horizontally.
Dwg Access door attached.[mod=:ywb0qq4f]Title edited to indicate the question relates to MS Physics which was mentioned anywhere.[/mod:ywb0qq4f]
RE: Bowling ball roll
@sketchyphysicsnutt said:
Hi drafter i had play with your model and to get the strike power u need
i added a servo with hammer strike lever (both can be hidden from view)
press (S key) for strike and tweak strength and acceleration for your needs
BowlingAlley2 it helps
TezThank you much. Are there other keyboard shortcuts you can share?
Bowling ball roll
Win 8.1, 32 bit, sketchy physics, SU Make 2016
Have bowling alley (dwg) with ramp to start bowling ball. Ball rolls about half way then peters out.
File attached. What factor must be changed to cause ball to keep rolling?
Restrictions using follow me tool
2016 Make, Win 8.1, 32 bit
I was unable to run a 1/8" diameter bar around a 5/16" radius.
The bar is a 48-side circle. and the 5/16" curve is 90 degrees & 6-sides.
What rule did I break?