I noticed that the plugin paints segments - not like SketchUP's paint utility. Can be made to behave the same?
RE: [Plugin] Repaint Face
RE: [Plugin] Repaint Face
Thanks - it is actually very usefull - to paint all the edges for banding!!
Big time saver!!!! -
RE: [Plugin] MoveIt
Hi, Jim
I use this plugin every day - it is a big time saver for me. I have some suggestions - can we have an option to use components/groups axis instead of model axis. And since You have a simple shell plugin can we have a scaling function as an addition to move and rotate? Thanks. -
Yes - or You can dommension in Su and hide the guides.
Use this plugin - http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=29377
And then use the bounding box to dimmntion -
RE: Furryball RT rendering - Want something like this for SU!
I think in 5 years we will be working entirely in real time rendering mode
RE: Bricscad or Progecad
Thanks - and they have a Platinum version now. With some 3D "improvements", though 3D in BricsCAD is a joke.
RE: Cabinet Design program for Sketchup
Excellent news! Seems You fixed all the problems - it is gonna be a fine piece of software! Maybe I didn't dig too deep inside DC, but my work wary deeply and DC are not very practical. Actually if Google improves them they gonna be a killers - especially for cabinets. But I guess knowing ruby helps a lot in your job.
I'm happy to see more knowledgeable people considering SketchUP as a platform for intro-mid-range furniture software! There is a big demand for a such easy, user friendly and inexpensive software! We have here some programs based on AutoCAD that cost more than SketchUP and they output data to Excell - so, the final cost is huge - software, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, cutting software! And AutoCAd is so slow and bloataware - who needs 200 options for the dimensions? After all furniture is not so complicated! -
RE: Purging old missing favorits
But if the folders are deleted or renamed the menu doesn't work.
RE: Purging old missing favorits
Found a way - just dig into the Windows registry. There is a lot to clean - full of garbage and SketchUp is becoming snappier!
Purging old missing favorits
How to remove old favorites from Components Window?
RE: Cabinet Design program for Sketchup
Hi Paul,
Glad You keep up improving your work. I think the most important features are banding, grain direction and above all good reporting capabilities! In SketchUp is pretty easy to build and change cabinets, but exporting valuable data for production is a big pain that kills the speed of working! So far there is no good data exporting plugin - lots of data inside dynamic components, but no way to get it outside for further usage! Problems with non english characters, only inches and etc. Another big problem is managing copies from the same cabinet - this is very important when working with articles.
After lots of trials and errors with dynamic components I changed my way of working drastically - I don't use dynamic components at all. Only use components at the top level - say cabinet or drawer assembly. Everything under is groups - it is so easy and refreshing! No messing components, changing names and etc.! Now I can have part "top" inside "Cabinet1" and in "Cabinet2" and they are independent!
I put the banding after the group name - "top;2W-2L" and CutList plugin takes care of the rest. With groups You can select all with the same name and change the banding at once - big time saver. -
RE: [Plugin] Name Group on Creation
@jim said:
@dedmin said:
I mean the drop down list with the names You entered during the session.
Should the list be per model, or global?
I think global - looking at the furniture building point of view - You build with the same basic parts - front, back, shelf and etc. You can look at this plugin - it remembers the list of the names and saves it for future use - http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=23411
RE: Create a text file from the components list
Welcome to component's hell
I have been struggling with this a lot and finally started using components only at the top level hierarchy - everything down are groups
RE: [Plugin] Name Group on Creation
I mean the drop down list with the names You entered during the session.
RE: [Plugin] Name Group on Creation
Hey, this is very cool plugin - thanks!
Can it remembers the names after closing SketchUP? -
RE: [Plugin] Mirror
And may be this is the cause of my troubles with the components getting unique! I did a lot of models with the Mirror Selection - now I just copied instead of mirror and components don't convert to unique!