[Plugin] Name Group on Creation
Dear John,
I think that Jim is revisiting the script. As I wrote before, I should like to see a group's name disappear automatically from the list when a group is deleted.
Bob -
Would anyone be terribly disappointed if it only worked for top-level Groups? Meaning, it wouldn't work if you created a group inside another Group?
Dear Jin,
That would be a big advance. I take it that you've hit a brick wall with the more sophisticated version.
Bob -
@watkins said:
Dear Jin,
That would be a big advance. I take it that you've hit a brick wall with the more sophisticated version.
BobI'm just being lazy.
Dear Jim,
Don't worry about the script. I can do all that I need to do by leaving the Entity Info box open. The advantage offered by the new script was a running list of group names. One can also get this info from the Outliner. The new script just offered a more compact way of doing the same thing.
Hope you had a good weekend.
Bob -
Ah - there is a plugin like this already. A while a go there was someone asking for this. I didn't find this plugin then an wrote my myself. doh!
good thing this is a small script.
I can Group an arc but just afterwards context menu options erase sometimes right after using the plugin, which it, I think is when auto save is on.. I've turned off my auto save just now so maybe that will help.
EDIT: I have no idea why Sketchup keeps context menu bugging. Usually I'll just shutdown SU and restart to go back to normal.. Well, I'm going to start picking on other Ruby's.Anyway,
This is a nice way to inference polylines and arcs lines without being so sticky.. and not having to line draw to create a face.. plus I can constrain the line tangentially on opposing edges as with clicking the move command. It is worth a donation..and hopefully sooner than later I'll help you out as you have helped me.Thank you JIM.
.And I'll follow your simply directions for I was not still using group command.
My revised thoughts, to Jim, TomTom, and sketchuanions:
I figure now how Sketchup is even easier than I had imagined with moving an arc tangential to two 90 angle line edges with inferencing.. So the ease of Sketchup fooled me thinking I was using the group name but in reality not sketching any differently. I love NOT having to go through a list of constraints.. Although a constraint button would be nice for a few circumstances.. Although SU has made most automatic.
Dynamic Components is where it all starts!!
Thank you so much!
Really really cute little toy! -
thank you Jim
Hey, this is very cool plugin - thanks!
Can it remembers the names after closing SketchUP? -
A group's name is stored in its definition and saved with the file.
I mean the drop down list with the names You entered during the session.
@dedmin said:
I mean the drop down list with the names You entered during the session.
Should the list be per model, or global?
@jim said:
@dedmin said:
I mean the drop down list with the names You entered during the session.
Should the list be per model, or global?
I think global - looking at the furniture building point of view - You build with the same basic parts - front, back, shelf and etc. You can look at this plugin - it remembers the list of the names and saves it for future use - http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=23411
Updated 2010 Dec, 05.
- Up to 20 Group names are saved between SketchUp session, and recalled in the drop-down list.
This file is meant to replace the file named
, if instralled.See First Post for download.
I noticed when creating a named group and hit Cancel the group is still created.
@dedmin said:
I noticed when creating a named group and hit Cancel the group is still created.
Oops. Thanks, and updated: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=57692#p57692
Hey, Jim:
I'm sure the way the script works now meets the needs of many folks.
However, could you have an alternate script (makeNamedgroup2.rb)?
I'd like to have it so that the cursor is in the blank input box initially so I can type a new name in without having to do a mouse click. If I want a blank name, then I would press the [Enter] key. If I want to use an existing name, then I would click on the displayed name and hit enter or use the dropdown list. Perhaps the blank entry box could also be above the dropdown list?
I like the idea of the being able reuse existing group names from a convenient list, but in my workflow 9 times out of 10 I would first choose to create a new name or, secondly, choose not to name a group.
Regards, John
@jclements said:
I like the idea of the being able reuse existing group names from a convenient list, but in my workflow 9 times out of 10 I would first choose to create a new name or, secondly, choose not to name a group