Thanks man! It's working now!
I think that the wood siding looks a lot better, and would recommend going that route. If you want a render I can do that for a minimal fee (J/K, but I'll be happy to help).
Hmmm....spartan as in bare or rustic? No, i think that it looks really good. Another idea might be to show a similar picture with wood siding and see how you like it. Nothing beats experimentation. In fact, if you want you could post the model and I'll fool around with it a bit, see if I can come up with anything. Either way, I would say that you have a winning render right there,
Looks good to me! That's a nice, basic, wall, and it makes the window look very nice. Good work.
Hey Man,
My only thought would be that you don't want something that is going to distract the potential buyer from the window. Do a simple background, just maybe a pale brown for the ground and light blue for the sky.
Hey Wyatt,
I don't know much about the render engine that you are using, but most render engines have an object for something called Bump-Mapping. Basically, what that does it take a texture and turn it into 3D terrain. After texturing the concrete, you may consider importing the same texture again as a Bump-Map. You should be able to adjust the severity of the bumps. Again, I know very little of your rendering engine, but that might be a possibility, and it will definitely improve the look of the concrete (I use it almost every day).
Okay, so a while ago the Sandbox tools just stopped working on my version of Sketchup (8, not pro.), and, after talking to several other designers, I have found that this is a common problem. I checked in the file source (C:\program files\google\google_sketchup_8\plugins, or something like that) and the sandbox source files are still there, but I don't have the tools, and I don't have an option to turn them on (I've checked in Plugins and in Tools (on the top bar) but there's no Sandbox tools). Anyone know what's wrong?
Hey Guys,
I have used Skecthup on the I-Pad(1), and it works well, with a few exceptions. First off, Zooming in and out is way easier. Also, while most of the tools work well, you don't have the advantage of two mouse buttons, I.E, if you are using the draw tool and want to orbit, rather then just holding down on the right mouse button and turning, you have to select the orbit tool at the top. There are just little things like that, but overall, it works very well. But, while it might work just for fun, it will never replace a computer (keyboard shortcuts are another problem, unless you have a keyboard for your I-Pad. The I-Pad is also very fast (albeit the I-Pad2 is faster) but can't handle huge models extremely well). Anyway, it's pretty cool, regardless of it's difficulties.
Thanks!! I am somewhat new to Gimp, but I will give it a whirl later and see how it works.
Thanks Dennis!!!
That is really cool!! I was wondering if there was a way to do this (that you know of) in a program such as Gimp instead? Not all of us can afford Photoshop, after all! Thank you!
Crankston Shnord
Hey guys!
I just joined, and I had a few questions. Basically, I am "Not Authorized", to give my accoutn a picture, or a signature, or view certain user groups. Also, I tried adding a skethcup designer that I know as a friend, but it couldn't find his name, and I KNOW that I spelled it right. Can anyone help me? Thanks a bunch!!
Crankston Shnord