intersect with model was exactly what i was looking for. Excellent! thank you!
RE: Quickest way to transfer lines
Quickest way to transfer lines
I have house model with the floor and walls as separate groups. I want all the lines from the bottom of the walls to be transfered to the floor group. What is the quickest method for this without having to trace all the walls?
RE: [Layout Tip] - improving workflow
what are the little red arrows in the template for and how do you get rid of them? Thanks for the template!
RE: How do I make my component solid?
Thanks! I kept deleting edges instead of faces until i finally understood what you were saying.
How do I make my component solid?
what is the easiest way to make this component solid? I tried the fix solid ruby and that didn't work. It identifies the problem, but I don't know how to fix it. Please Help!
RE: Axes help
ok, thank you for the explanations. I think I understand now. So just to clarify, the best workflow after importing google location and terrain would be to move the google earth and terrain to align with the house model. This will maintain the origin axes since you cannot reset the "world axes" only model axes.
Axes help
I built a house model and then set the location and added the google image and terrain. I moved the house to match the terrain and then reset the axes of the house model. Now my model will not orient correctly when I use the standard view buttons. Can anyone tell me the simplest way to fix this, and what I should have done differently to avoid this? Thanks!
RE: Help needed installing Soap Bubble SU 8 OSX
I am having trouble with soap skin also witha mac. I installed and tried to use but i get a message that says "timelimit finshed" when I press the button. Anyone know why this might be happenning? I may have had a previous version installed that might be casuing a conflict although I thought I have deleted any previous files.
Cant get paint bucket to work
I am dong a lanscape design over a google earth image I grabed. First I drew a rectangle over the image and colored it a transparent color. Then I drew in a stream using the line tool. I made it a component and tried to give it color but for some reason sketchup won't let me. What am I doing wrong? I drew a wierd shaped polygon but it doesn't seem to have a face for some reason I guess.