How do I make my component solid?
what is the easiest way to make this component solid? I tried the fix solid ruby and that didn't work. It identifies the problem, but I don't know how to fix it. Please Help!
This is actually a very simple object to make solid...
A solid is a group or component that contains only faces and edges.
And those edges must all have exactly two faces - no fewer and no more.
Your object has some internal faces, which will therefore have some edges with three faces !
Simply edit the [pre]grouped geometry that says it's just a 'group' - i.e. NOT 'solid' and delete one of the main outer-faces and look inside...
Erase these internal faces and then any left over unfaced-edges, after they have gone.
Remake the main outer-face that you initially deleted by drawing over an edge.
Select the group, Entity Info should now say it's a 'solid group'...
If not then you've missed something... retry...Thomthom's Solid-Inspector will highlight a selected group's 'faults that stop it being a solid.
My SolidSolver will try to fix it, but give it a chance by 'reversing' the visible faces so there are no 'blue-gray' back faces visible...
Thanks! I kept deleting edges instead of faces until i finally understood what you were saying.