Downloaded v1.1 demo, installed it, my license is gone. It says i have a demo version now. What the hell?
RE: Twilight v1.1
RE: Windows 7
Another thing about windows 7. My toolbar haven't gone crazy YET! Yes I have been adding plugins so go figure.
RE: [Plugin] Selection Toys
V2.0 is spanking! Tom this is an amazingly useful tool probably my favourite in terms of how it is implemented. A lot of thought have gone into the user interface. Thanks! I can't believe it is free.
RE: [Plugin] SketchyFFD (Classic)
Doesn't appear to work anymore... (The May Version works fine)
RE: High Quality Office Furniture on 3DWH
Found this guy by accident. Detailed and relatively small in file size. Very good collection.
Hope you guys find it useful.
p.s. why does searching in 3DWH always comes up with crap models?
RE: Vray for SU... assistance needed!
I tend to go for big light planes (invisible and no decay) outside entire length of windows and make GI 1.5 to make sure sunlight shadow through window is still visible.
RE: LightUp v1.7 is out
I've been slightly reluctant with getting a Lightup licence. I don't know if and how useful it will be in my work flow. How and what do you guys use it for? Is there a daylight analysis tool (which will be very useful for Architects)?
RE: [Plugin] extrudeEdgesByEdges.rb
@plot-paris said:
@tig said:
If fact. ExtrudeEdgesByRails.rb is now progressing well... Expect a release within the month !
that is fantastic news, TIG. can't wait to try it out!
Hows it coming? I have a feeling this is one of those plugin that will really make organic (along with others ofcourse) modelling easy in SU.
RE: Deep exploration?
Sounds incredable! Does it do a better job of converting file formats then say native importers and exporters SU has?
RE: What DSLR cammera do you recommend ?
Edson the Olympus E-500 have been discontinued. Its lasted incarnation is the E-620. I also Recommend the E-30.
RE: Windows 7
Just some basic SU experience in Windows 7. It appears that SU running in Windows 7 loads up a LOT faster. When I was in Vista 64 bit home premium I had to wait say like 20 sec (loads of ruby scripts) before the application becomes usable. Now it is more like 10 sec. This is a substantial improvement.
RE: What DSLR cammera do you recommend ?
Yes forgot about body only... I have some four third lenses so when I check for prices I always just look at body only. Sorry about that.
RE: What DSLR cammera do you recommend ?
I personally would recommend you the Olympus E3. A top end model for Mid-range price.
RE: The Pantheon, Rome (WIP)
Sheesh! I am amazed by the level of detail! I can't wait to see progress on this model. Keeps me inspired.
RE: [Plugin] Geom Interpolated Curve ver. 1.3.
Very cool. What do you do with the explanation lines? can you manipulate the geometry with those lines? Sorry I am not with SU range.