@jql said:
Are you still aiming at that or have you stopped developing it?
Yeah, I'm still working on it!
Thanks for taking the time to point these things out.
I got a bit sidetracked for the last... couple of months I guess.
I have been working on a very cool new feature, but I can't get it to work the way I want yet.
@jql said:
The things I find difficult to handle are the following:
- The plugin is great in defining thickness for any kind of geometry I throw at it. This for itself would be a great addition to Sketchup if only the remove BIM Properties button would do that. The problem is that, when I remove those properties, somethings still remain there and mess with the model later. Sometimes it creates a bugsplat, sometimes it shows new geometry.
I will do some tests on the remove BIM properties button. I didn't notice it's leaving properties behind, and it should not be hard to fix this.
@jql said:
Would it be possible to remove everything and keep only the groups the plugin created?
I have been thinking about this myself too, it would be a useful option to "just" generate geometry. If you(or someone else) have a good suggestion on how to add this to the interface without making it too cluttered or complicated I will add this. I could for example make a pop-up that makes you choose what properties to remove, but I am reluctant to add too many steps to the process.
@jql said:
- Sometimes when changing wall thickness Sketchup simply crashes;
I'm aware of this and this is probably the biggest problem at this moment. It makes the plugin difficult to use. I added the option to disable automatic updating of geometry(mostly to prevent it from interfering with other plugins). When this is disabled I get no crashes, If you do, please let me know!
The downside is then you have to update every object manually, and I think the most fun thing of the plugin is that it automatically updates the geometry after modifying the source-faces.
The observers I have used for this still seem to cause bugsplats, although much less frequently as they did at first. I will have to work around these observers but that may make editing less "smooth".
@jql said:
- When one applies different materials to the inner and outer faces, they disappear if you insert a window or redefine thickness;
I will have to test this, I will come back to you on this one.
@jql said:
- When inserting a window it correctly creates the opening with thickness. However if one wants to define a different opening inside and outside, the best way to do that would be by inserting the opening in the inner wall in a process similar as the one shown in the next link:
The problem is, if you insert any kind of component on the inner wall, it will soon disappear in the workflow and lead to a bugsplat in the long run.
I think the new feature I have been working on would be great to solve this, but this will take some more time because I intend to pick up the problems you have pointed out first.
@jql said:
If you want I can submit you some models for examples of what I am trying to tell you about.
I let you know if I have trouble re-creating the errors!
Is there anyone out there using this plugin for creating IFC-files? That's what I have been mostly using it for lately, I can create shapes with it that are not easy in our CAD/BIM-software...
I have also been working on a connection with THE BIM server
(http://bimserver.org), I was wondering if anyone is interested in that...