Though very passionate in m beliefs, I am, and have been described as a gentle man. I have been throughout Canada, US and most of the northern South-American continent in my my youth. I have been in situations and lived through and survived things I would not wish on my worst enemy (not that I have any) no.. no surviving enemies at all.. just kidding Seriously though, as much as we all would like to think we know how we would react in any given situation, I know from some experience that what we actually do can differ from our "would do" by leaps and bond.
I am a peaceful man (6'3" and ~250lbs). But I am a believer that in a potential hazardous position you first pull out the iron fist, then the velvet glove. In one incident, I found a young man breaking into my work truck. I yanked him out and slammed his head into the side of the box and roughed him up a bit. An hour later, I was buying him a meal at a nearby greasy spoon while waiting for the Mounties to show up. He waited with me, knowing they e=were coming. We talked for a while. I even waited for him after giving my statement and drove him home (if one could call it that). He ended up working off the damage he did to my truck and stayed on for about eight months, until he decide o go home to Ontario. To this day, to my knowledge, he's stayed out of trouble. But I do know that he is the exception to the rule.
I have to protect what is mine and my family because it's my primary "job" and because no one else will. The velvet glove comes out, afterward, in case there's a chance the "offender" can be rehabilitated. But we now live in an age where people get shot in broad day light just to serve an initiation for gang-bangers. We have to do what we must.
Again.. my opinion
Mike RL
By the way, Jackson. I had a good chuckle at your smart*** post.