ies lights can be tricky if you don't have good files. The ies files have light intensity as part of the file - so it varies greatly from one file source to another. Try finding other sources of ies lights with greater intensity and the values you need in vray can be much more reasonable. Also, make sure your settings are for interiors - if you are trying to compete with daylighting, it is very difficult to get ies lights to show at all.
Your modeling is very nice. I agree it's great to bring a sketch into 3D, that's why SU is so far ahead of other modeling programs. I have to agree with jarynzlesa that there is something about the renders that don't look very warm and spa-like. One part of the image that sticks out is the stone wall. Maybe if you add some soft reflection to it, it would look less forbidding. Otherwise, your materials look quite convincing. One thing you could play with is emmissive materials - that could add some warmth - like having the candles give off a warm glow.
For the rendering settings - the splotchiness can definitely reduced. One option is to try using DMC sampler for the final image (that will give more of a photo graininess.) There are some good tutorials that explain the quality settings.