Thanks boofredlay
I've tried it on a golf estate and it works like a charm!
Thanks boofredlay
I've tried it on a golf estate and it works like a charm!
Hi I need a file downgraded to X7 (my version) from X8. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Hope someone can help. I'm trying to triangulate a point set imported from AutoCAD in SU 2017.
I have TIG's Triangulate Points but get errors when implementing. Think I need delaunay3 but not sure where to find it.
Help greatly appreciated!
Hi Pilou,
Thanks for this. It certainly is an optimistic view of the world.
As an architect I've grown more and more skeptical of clients with these enormous budgets and sense of entitlement!
If everyone does their part it's surely attainable - I'm from Africa by the way...
Thanks for the feedback - Audacity is super fast and does what I need.
Hi, does anyone of a free simple audio converter? Checked the freeware section but can't find anything...
Tried Google but it's mainly 'free to download' or malware infested.
Hi Jorgensen
I've used moreStereo inside SU using 3D glasses. The trick is to 'grab' the openGL and create the stereo pairs.
You can also look at IrisVR. They are developing a plugin to use for the Oculus Rift (and Samsung Gear) inside SU.
Hi Pixero
Thanks a lot - I've passed on the info to my son. No doubt he'll speak Swedish by year end - we kinda can get the gist if the language since a lot of words are Germanic in origin.
All the best
Hi Pixero
Do you know how we can get accommodation for the boy? It seems to work on a point system and you must join a cue? I'll appreciate it if you can give us some pointers. In South Africa we normally just look at the adds, pay the deposit and it's sorted.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Hi All
My son is selected to do a 4 years doctorate in Lulea - any Sketchuppers from there?
Thanks TIG for the feedback - I eventually used a lisp routine to read the text and place it at the correct elevation, then I used another lisp to place a point at the text insertion followed by your point triangulation routine in SU and all done! Could be simpler if the surveyor just used 3d from the word go...
Thanks for the feed back unearthed, I tried the dxf import and it worked great but as expected it did not add any elevation/height info - maybe I can get a lisp routine to do that?
Hi, I have a 2D drawing with from a surveyor with the datum levels in text on the side of the pathways. Is it possible to import these to SU intelligently, ie read the value, then place at the correct height/elevation in SU?
Thanks for the feedback.
The quality and colour is amazing - I've decided I want one but my wife does the books....