haha, I just came with a solution to the above problem... very idiotic, but it works... I created a bullseye plataform... which is in a group of its own. I move the plataform in ortographic view to where I want to put the camera... then I select the POSITION CAMERA TOOL and position it over the bullseye... then I turn the Bullseye plataform layer off
RE: Camera As an Object
RE: Idea for plugin: Bump Map From Geometry
found another use for this...
basically, Terrain Elevation Maps are only easily available to USA.
You can import GoogleEarth elevation data into Sketchup, but you cant export it as Terrain Data... and you cant export it directly from GoogleEarth either (and Ive found no plugin to do that in GoogleEarth).
If you could export from GoogleEarth to Sketchup, and from Sketchup to bitmap 256 colors heightmap, you could then import it into Terragen for example, and then create realistic panoramas, that can be imported back into Sketchup/VRAY.
RE: Camera As an Object
I hope this plugin begins soon. Btw, I have a huge scene and I am having the old VERY ANNOYING clipping problem with it... I cant even position the camera properly because when I get close to something it disappears, and the end result is that you are zooming in, the feature disappears and suddenly the mouse pointer is over something far away, and then you cant zoom closer to the object you want, because even a little more zoom results in a fast zoom towards the distant object, not the slow zoom towards the object close to you where the mouse pointer was BEFORE the object disappeared.
the CAMERA OBJECT could solve this problem, since you could position it from the ortographics views.
RE: Two plugins needed to properly integrate VRAY with Sketchup
so have you guys exchanged the code for the workaround?
RE: V-ray questions
looking good, but did you match the bitmap size so the squares match the glass panes? (btw, this pisses me off in VRAY... UVmap... right, and how can I know how big "1" translates into the model? Or 0.25?
in Sketchup, you set the SIZE of the bitmap... 2x2 meters... etc... much better.
RE: Creating HDRIs with Terragen and VRAY
@sepo said:
Also try in LightUp...
tried in Lightup... no artifact appeared, but I suppose Lightup dont really uses HDRI images... I mean... it works the same for .HDR or .JPG images!
RE: Creating HDRIs with Terragen and VRAY
@remus said:
You could try the HDR in another app to see if its an issue with vray or with the HDR itself
do you have any suggestion of app for me to try it?
RE: Creating HDRIs with Terragen and VRAY
@thomthom said:
Might be that Terragen has generated some extra bright pixels...
I wonder why they dont show up in the image when viewing it at HDRShop or Photoshop. It only happens in VRAY. I followed some tutorials on the net to make the HDRs... neither mentioned it, but neither mentioned VRAY either
RE: Creating HDRIs with Terragen and VRAY
@thomthom said:
Odd. Try blurring the GI HDR you use? Don't have to do anything to the Background HDR though.
blurred it to 50. Nothing changed.
I was mistaken. Setting the bitmap multiplier at 50 brightened up the image, but the artifacts persisted.
RE: Creating HDRIs with Terragen and VRAY
@thomthom said:
from the ground02
from above, but close03
from above, very far away (cant even see the ball anymore. Notice the artifacts pattern REMAIN THE SAME, its constant, no matter the distance!!!! -
Creating HDRIs with Terragen and VRAY
Gosh, I ask too many questions... but here is one more... Ive tried producing HDRIs with Terragen. The end result, imagewise, is awesome... perfect to use as background image (360ΒΊ hor and vert pano)... the problem comes with the HDRI part itself!
while on HDRI programs, the image seems to behave perfectly as for exposure, but when I use it as GI in VRAY, not only it barely illuminates anything, as it creates some very weird ULTRA BRIGHT PIXELATED SPOTS all over the place! Does anyone has any idea why this happens?
RE: V-ray questions
gosh, it takes quite a long time to explode 15 thousand glass panels...
RE: How to get land in Vray scene
@sambort said:
hey aceshigh
sorry, but the enviromental, background, bitmap pointed doesnΒ΄t work for me (i only get a blak sky)
could you show a example? or perhaps you have another version?
do what ThomThom said... i really forgot to tell it. The physical camera is much less sensitive to light than the "normal" camera... thus, you need to turn up the multiplier inside the M tab for the sky image to show up.
RE: V-ray questions
your solution is very good, and I will use it... but there is still a problem that we should consider for other times...
your solution spreads the noise across all glasses... thats also not realistic. The ideal would be to EACH PANEL to have its own noise. There lies the problem... either we have the SAME noise pattern in each glass panel, or we do have ONE noise pattern across all glasses (as if they were all only one pannel). Its not realistic because the distortion should not continue from one panel to the other. But its the better solution so far.
Thus, the real question is... how to generate a distortion that begins at xy of EACH PANEL, but at THE SAME TIME, making that distortion different for each panel?
My room is smelling like fried brain...
RE: V-ray questions
@thomthom said:
I did some quick tests.
I found that I had to put all the faces that makes up the glass into one group/component. If each glass was an component instance they'd get the same distortion. Didn't find any way around it other than exploding all the glass faces.
Below is a test render.
The Bump map is the default Noise map where I set the Size to 50.Thanks ThomThom
2 questions:
1 - if I explode all components, wont the model size skyrocket?
2 - Matthieu Noblet script to reduce VRAY Render Times (parsing time) seems to already do that... as far as I understand (true, I didnt understand very well what it means "assigning textures directly to geometry)... anyway, if I use his scrip, will it automatically do what you said? If it does, I wonder how I would be able to MAINTAIN one noise texture to all glass panes (if that was what I wanted)
http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=13711&st=0&sk=t&sd=a//url -
RE: V-ray questions
@thomthom said:
you can help me of course, since I am failing miserably at achieving the necessary result
here is the ASGVIS thread
http://asgvis.com/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=90&topic=6024.0but you can answer here
RE: V-ray questions
oops, it was not you, it was Jackson who was helping me with this problem at ASGVIS forum...
RE: V-ray questions
ThomThom, if you want, you can asnwer here my ASGVIS forum post about the bump across window panes... the blend of two noise maps didnt work
RE: [req]Model Scrambler
@remus said:
I was wondering if it would be possible to make a script that:
- Exploded all groups/components in the model
- Purged the model
- Exploded all curves
- Unhid/unsmooth all geometry
- Hid a random selections of lines
- Rotated the whole model very slightly off axis in every direction
- Created lots of new layers and moved random pieces of geometry to the new layers
- Made components of random selections of geometry
And anything else that you can think of that would make it very hard/impossible to work on the file.
thats an awesome idea for a plugin! I really dont know how it could be useful, but still, I LOVE IT! How about also adding a feature, that when someone else, not allowed, tries to edit the model, all the electric appliances in a 10 meters radius will burn?