1 - more than one month already passed is it already translated to english?
2 - can you post a video of the plugin in action?
1 - more than one month already passed is it already translated to english?
2 - can you post a video of the plugin in action?
the red oak looks rosier...
the client just sent me this sample of a Carvalho Malva laminated... its high res but shows a small area, so for texturing a table I would probably need to photoshop it (the bottom of the image is also blurry)
I wont hotlink the image to avoid cluttering the thread.
hmmm... so Malva translates as purple, but all the examples of Malva Oak I found in portuguese are not purple at all, but a very light beigeish color? Does that means that we brazilians are nameing it incorrectly?
... or if anyone already has it, the texture itself.
a client here in Brazil asked me for the model of an office table made of Carvalho Malva. Unfortunatelly, I got no luck finding high res images of it on the internet.
Carvalho translates as OAK. I dont expect you guys to know what Malva (nor do I) translates into, but I will attach some low-res photos of Carvalho Malva, so maybe you guys know the name of this wood in english, and help me find higher resolution textures of it.
out of curiosity, any brazilian monument there?
I went through Sagrada Familia, Taj Mahal, St Basil Cathedral, Sidney Opera House, Eiffel Tower, that temple in Jordan, the forbidden city in Beijing... hmmm... thats what I remember...
that was pretty interesting.
this could be REALLY interesting to make for localized versions... I can imagine the Brazilian Education Ministry doing a Brazil only version, distributing it for schools and hiring me to make the GoogleEarth models
people, you are talking about making grass, but if I try to make a simple rug, with fur, the file will jump in size to some 20-30mb! It will take minutes to import it into another file (like, inside of a house). And render times (to start the render) will soar in VRAY.
people, check this thread by Andeciuala... he is importing Sketchup models directly into MODO 401 (As seen on 1:44 of his video, where it shows MODO 401 recognizing all Sketchup files)!!!
@michaliszissiou said:
Interesting video, unfortunately the most interesting part is missing, what format did you use to export the model to modo?
although he is using MODO 401, when he loads the scene in MODO, it recognizes all the Sketchup files. So I really have no idea how he did that, since the Sketchup importer should only work with MODO 301-302. Check it at 1:44
awesome, but dont you think the chair with the metal base looks like its floating in the air? I dont know... it just looks like...
600 million people use GE? I find that HARD to believe. Maybe that number uses GoogleMaps apps (many of which dont even have the 3D option) Do you have the numbers for Brazil?
@gaieus said:
That's really a local thing. If you can find local businesses that would be interested, you could also get them to "sponsor" you modelling activity. Let's imagine a "business plan" like this:
As we know, you cannot use GE for advertising and such. But nothing stops you to advertise (or list local businesses) on your own website. Make a website (a simply blogging software like WordPress or Blogger is a perfect tool) and when you upload a model, add the basic description in the Warehouse but include a link to a post on your website. Now here you can list what businesses, shops, banks etc. are located in that particular building for instance and get these businesses pay for some money for inclusion, maybe for more spectacular appearance there and so on.
Sooner or later you can already pre-negotiate with these businesses what to model next etc.
Building a cathedral? Get a nearby business "+sponsor" it and you can put the name there something like "this model was made with the help of the corner McDonalds" or something.
Small plan but can be developed.
I know many people that dont even know GoogleEarth. Isnt it kinda hard to convince companies to sponsor GE related stuff when few people might be using it?
I thought of a very cool thing to do with this plugin... those xmas stuff that you put on Xmas trees, you know?? Well, actually this plugin also makes it easy to do the Xmas tree itself.
I am talking about this thing that goes around the tree
I assume that if you project a texture, if you look straight from an angle, the texture will look PERFECT (like if it was a bitmap never applied over anything).
on the other hand, surfaces that were near perpendicular to the projected texture would have completely distorted textures applie.
in the end, I take it that you can do it on SKetchup. The only way would be some program that is able to map textures. MODO perhaps?
nah, I am keeping it pretty simple. Only things "detailed" that I modelled are the columns, but I do the columns with 5 faces only.
PS: "Ed." is portuguese shortening for "Edificio", which means, edificy, edification, something like that, and we use the word for many highrises and buildings. Its kinda like BURJ (Tower) in arabic... its in front of the name of several of Dubai buildings
anyway, my latest models
Museu Ibere Camargo
Palácio Italia... (the old model, someone else did, and mine, for comparassion)
Ed Costa Faria
Conde de Porto Alegre
Ed. Nova York
Conceição Center Hotel and Jaguaribe
Trust Business Center
Ministerio Publico
Klift Tower
Galeria Santa Catarina and Kalil
Ed. Chaves Barcelos
Realeza, Phenix and Praça XV
Ed DabDab
Ed Império, blocks A and B
HCPA (Porto Alegre Clinics Hospital), under construction
Ed. Cristaleira
União dos Viajantes
Iguatemi Corporate, retextured
Santander, under construction
ps: under consctruction obviously means I am the one constructing them, not that they are in construction in real life
I have seen some very nice architectural renders showing clothing objects... be it curtains, bed sheets, table cloth, etc. Its easy to use a simple texture with no larger details (like in the table cloth tutorial), but what if I want a striped cloth? Or some other pattern? How do you guys do? If its impossible to map such thing in Sketchup, what program should I use??
(btw, I right now want to make a waving flag in Sketchup, and obviously, while I know how to make the waving flag model, I have no idea on how to texture it with the flag texture map I want...
LMAO at the furred latticed fur.
I wonder who will be the first to be a latticed furred latticed fur.
@xrok1 said:
i knew i should have popped that before it got out of hand!
who would have ever imagined fur for SU?????????????????????????????
a very hairy nipple??
long time I dont post here. Right now, I have 57 models accepted. And 62 uploaded. And a few others almost ready (just lacking a texture here and there). Like the Porto Alegre cathedral