That worked. I had modified the views somehow, but when I set them back they displayed correctly. Thanks for your help!
Latest posts made by bcoleman001
RE: How do I turn off hidden geometry?
How do I turn off hidden geometry?
This is my first crack at Layout and I haven't been able to find an answer to this anywhere. Please help! When I set up my viewports in layout, the hidden geometry from my contours is showing. It's not showing in my model in sketchup when I click on the same scene. Anyone know how I can get this to turn off in Layout? Thanks!
Multiple push/pull
Does anyone know if you can push/pull more than one face at a time? I have a bunch of faces on one plane that I'd like to pull up all at once. Doing it individually would take hours. I thought I remembered seeing something in the forums that worked, but I can't find it. thanks!
RE: Procedural terrains
@solo said:
I would not say it's an artistic approximation but more of a primary image limitation, see the images I get from GE have shadows and the shadows are a very instrumental in getting the displacement map accurate.
Just curious, but have you tried using the Micro$oft Live Maps? They seem to have less shadows. Just click on the aerial button to get the image. Just a thought.
RE: Base Camp 2008 !!!!!
I got the same "unfortuantely...." notice as well. Did anyone get a congratulations notice?
RE: Which version of google earth?
thanks for the input guys! I'll have to give them a try!
RE: Local Fire Company Engine
You're model is really looking good. As an ex-firefighter I've really enjoyed following it's creation. Keep up the incredible work!
RE: Mitigation uses for SketchUp
How exactly do you use SU in mitigation? I guess I'm not familiar with "mitigation" to understand what you would use SU for, but I'd be interested to learn.
RE: Which version of google earth?
Scott, I've been working on a simulation for a project and since our work as to be defensible in court, we have to use the pro versions of all software. Having said that, I've had a heck of a time using sketchup to model a subdivision of homes and then importing it into Google Earth Pro. I even imported the site directly from Google Earth before I started the model. What I've found when I bring the model back into Google Earth is that the front half of the subdivision is buried below the terrain and you can't see it and the back half is floating approximately 12' off the ground. It's frustrating, to say the least, but I'm still trying to find a solution.