Fredo6 Toposhaper Error
@Rich-O-Brien said in Fredo6 Toposhaper Error:
If you want to share a file you could try a cloud hosting
Maybe this works:
@Chip_Cookie I ran TopoShaper on your contours and got this.
It's in SU2024. What steps did you take when you ran it?
One more thing, the native Sandbox tool 'from contours' works fine.
Use Toposhaper from outside the group not inside. -
My mistake was not having the contour group as the outermost container. I had two groups, Contours group and Plat group, inside another group I called Survey. If I select (but don't enter) the Contour group within Survey and try to apply TopoShaper it fails. If I explode Survey, then select Contour, it works great.
Thank you both for your help.
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Dear Fredo, I have been trying for 2 days now to get Toposhaper to work in Sketchup and keep getting the the same error messsage "cannot hide layer that is a part of the active path". You have said a few times in various forums that you have to use Toposhaper from outside the group not inside, but I do not understand what you exactly mean with this.
I import contour lines from autocad cilvil 3d to sketchup as a dwg file. (these contour work fine in Sandbox). I then put the contours in a seperate group. Then I select the contours in that group and start Toposhaper, it then works for a while and then I get the mentioned error message.
Toposhaper has worked on 2-3 occissions, but it never was clear to me why it worked in tose cases. I could never replicate it afterwards.
You might be inside the group.
Go outside, select the group and call TopoShaper. This should work.
Sorry for being ignorant but I do not understand what you mean by being in the group?
I have created a group with only the contour lines in it. How do I selct that group without being in it?
This is a videao of what I am doing, maybe that helps....
Just click on the group. Toposhaper will pick what is inside.
It does, but then I get the error message, see the video......