Spaceship time again!
and I was already wondering: when did this guy actually make his last spaceship?!?
ja - what a cool thing this something is - I'm already looking forward to it! -
I like that!
Looking forward to this mate. When it comes to this topic you are a Mr Kipling and he makes exceedingly good cakes.
Scrummy looking little craft and a very good ilustration:thumb: looks very challenging
Thanks everyone!
I'm going with a three seat design. It doesn't seem to be a fighter. Too small for a transport. So maybe a research scout/courier/passenger craft with limited cargo capacity.
Chairs from the Warehouse, modified by me.
First: try and find the overall shape and scale. This is NOT it.
But this is how I will find it.
I'm making the assumption that the second blob in the cockpit up front is a single seat and the first blob right after the nose is the control panel. Because why not?
Some arc refinement.
A little more scaling and positioning. And more of this for a while, so I'll just post the final profile next and then pick up from there.
I needed more scaling references. Still shaping the profile and mass,
Look forward to your progress. You always choose some very interesting stuff to model.
Thanks tuna!
I mean this constructively, I fully understand and agree with starting the skeleton scaled to human ergonomics, just like the start point of designing a car. Howevever I think you should consider what happens when the person/persons sitting in the chair stand up?
Thanks L I am, but it's a small cockpit not meant to stand up in.
Hmm, another one that's going to take some time. I can see the whole thing in my head, but where to start...
Kinda sorta this shape.
Still scaling and refining.
This is both interesting and educational.
@ntxdave said:
This is both interesting and educational.
It will definitely be educational. I have no idea how I'm going to connect all the different curved surface.
My technique is to find that one element in the design to "hang" the rest of the model from. (build outward from that element) I have not found that thing yet.
O.K., I've decided to use the side red bubble thing as my starting point.
(you can skip this one, see next post)
Ho boy was I wrong about the scale. After framing the scene to sort of match the original, this is what I found.
Waaaay off on scale. Hmmmmm....
I'm using the horizon line and distance to ground shadows to approximate scale. I've also noticed the painting is not exactly straight on perspective, so I have to try and judge how "off" it is (i.e. tiled or twisted) and compensate.
I only have to get close, but scale is important.
Man, I sure know how to pick 'em.