SketchUp 2018
@hieru said:
So, it won't be long until we find out if Trimble have decided to shift to a subscription model.
If that is the case, it would be sad indeed. I detest subscription software.
Same here. I just hope that there was a strong negative response to their questionnaire and have decided to leave things as they are for now.
Same with me.
I think Affinity Photo is a great example of a new pro app that succeeds without subscription.
And even makes that a great selling point compared to competition (Adobe). -
@hieru said:
So, it won't be long until we find out if Trimble have decided to shift to a subscription model.
But isn't it already, since Trimble would like an additional $120/year to maintain support and future updates?
@ben ritter said:
@hieru said:
So, it won't be long until we find out if Trimble have decided to shift to a subscription model.
But isn't it already, since Trimble would like an additional $120/year to maintain support and futurew updates?
No. The current licence is perpetual, maintenance and support is to enable you to upgrade to newer versions within that period. You can keep on using your latst version until such time as other factors force you to upgrade or abandon.
@juju said:
@ben ritter said:
@hieru said:
So, it won't be long until we find out if Trimble have decided to shift to a subscription model.
But isn't it already, since Trimble would like an additional $120/year to maintain support and futurew updates?
No. The current licence is perpetual, maintenance and support is to enable you to upgrade to newer versions within that period. You can keep on using your latst version until such time as other factors force you to upgrade or abandon.
So for maintain maintenance and support, you still have to pay for major upgrades?
The main difference in a subscription scheme is that if you let your subscription lapse, the software ceases to run at all! In SketchUp's permanent license scheme you just lose support and upgrade to the next version. The software continues to run as is. As a result, there are a lot of people out there still using (for example) SketchUp v8 because it was the last version without the no-commercial-use restriction in the license for free/Make.
I also despise subscription licensed software. From what I can see it is nothing more than a mechanism to keep sucking money out of your wallet even if they have added/fixed nothing that affects you. The big guys went to this when it became apparent that people were no longer slavishly updating to every new release - because the vendors ran out of new things to add that were valuable to more than a specialized subgroup of users, or started making changes that were just "tomayto" vs "tomahto".
Frankly, there are enough long-outstanding bugs in SketchUp that the team could work on them to make a new release without adding any more features at all!
I've just received my annual Maintenance and Support notice, so it looks like Trimble decided against a subscription model...for now.
it'll creep up on you when you least expect it.
The anticipation is killing me, so close yet so far (but imminent).
C'mon SketchUp (Trimble), release SU2018 into the wild - you know you want to.
I'm sad, I had bet on last monday ! Can't wait for it either. Hope it will be next monday...
@ben ritter said:
So for maintain maintenance and support, you still have to pay for major upgrades?
If you pay your yearly maintenance and support fee you are entitled to all the major upgrades Sketchup releases as well as any maintenance release in the meantime.
I'd really hate Sketchup to be turned into a subscription.
The 2 and 3 year old S&M will be gone next monday (13th). this might be a release date for 2018.
@jql said:
@ben ritter said:
I'd really hate Sketchup to be turned into a subscription.
Subscription will kill software.
There was MS Office, now there is Libre Office and WPS Office
There was Photoshop, now is Affinity Photo (which accepts Photoshop plugins, by the way)
... and many more.
I said "was" because the more people go into this new software, the less popular the giants will become.So, for each crazy priced (and subscription based) software, there are smart people to make a cheaper (and many times better) alternative, so the giants will have a fair competition.
I just hope SketchUp won't go that path, but mostly for nostalgia, because anytime someone else can come out with a better option... -
@derei said:
now is Affinity Photo (which accepts Photoshop plugins, by the way)
... and many more.I did not know that!
@rich o brien said:
@derei said:
now is Affinity Photo (which accepts Photoshop plugins, by the way)
... and many more.I did not know that!
I'm sure you are impressed by the price too... and by the way, it does if not all, at least most operations non-destructive (eg. resizing layers). I started using it, but I have to check some tutorials, to get the workflow better.
Some say that in certain aspects is rather slow (raw processing), but the software is not that old overall (two years). -
SU 2018 appears to be available in Oz.
Dunno if this is spoof or real...
@chrisjk - I would like the Named Sections, Filled Section Cuts, Fast Sections and DWG Import in Layout.
Not sure what to make of 'Scaled Vector Drawing'...
Looks like they are improving BIM which is good!
I’m getting soooooo excited!