What if unwrapping sketchup models was kinda easy....
@box said:
I have to ask, is there any value added to this thread by the somewhat off topic posts?
Yes, topic was dead if it wasn't for those!
@box said:
I have to ask, is there any value added to this thread by the somewhat off topic posts?
<off-topic> I always appreciate Jason's contrary perspective, even if his tone might be a bit off-putting to some. His is one of the informed voices (and contributions) that we have lost in the SU community over the past few years... due to the slow-walking of SU Pro development.
He might have been more effective as a critic if the criticisms were less personally directed, but I agree on a substantive basis with many of his observations.
That said — and in spite of my own ongoing frustrations — like JQL, SU Pro/LO still fits my own needs and workflow better than the higher- end and/or more complex alternatives.
Just wish there was a little more responsiveness on the part of the SU dev team to the continual feature/dev requests from longterm users to address SU's severe shortcomings.</off-topic>
<on-topic> Huge props to Rich / Gabor for tackling this previously unmet SU need — looking forward to WrapR's release... and learning how to use it!!
I can't wait to see this tool!
ok now that we can map quads (thanks guys, really
that was a big thing for me!) I'm in.. how much and when?
one question. will the mapping copy across components?
Wow, I totally missed this thread. I feel late. This really sounds like a great extension filling a void that's been my biggest gripe with SU for years. If I can afford it, I will be purchasing Wrap-R like I did other awesome plugins. But I also do wish this was a native tool in at least the pro version like many other major 3D packages. I never really appreciated the importance of UV unwrapping until I got into game asset creation. Also even with architecture rendering, through game creation practices, I learned how to cut down on texture bloat within a model.
Question....will it be easy to determine whether an island is within the 0-1 coordinates with this new plugin?
Some quick examples showing island translations...
Click to play...
very simple, amazing...
Sure, I'd put down some money for that. It would be nice to have it open in SU, like other extensions. How will announcements be made when it's released?
It does open from within SU and you simply right click your mesh when you're ready to import the UVs.
If you're subscribed to our newsletter here you'll be notified. But there'll be a separate signup later next week to keeps things separate from the noise here.
Will buy it,,,, SU have needed this type of feature for a long time,,,, also I think more and more people are using SU for rendering,,, as it becomes more easy and speedy. -
you have no idea how much I need this addon lol
Vote YES!
so now we're down to this...
How much? when? are we nearly there yet? who was that masked stranger?
An interesting topic, and one which has made me look at Modo too.
As it is I am currently learning UE4, and using Playup to get my levels into the game engine. I just want to make animated movies and very very small playable levels for my tabletop rpg. So I'm now wanting to spend much more money on 3d rendering, nor am I a professional 3d modeller, and so time is tight.
I have a city district which I am importing into UE4. With Playup it's laborious as every building has to have a procedural texture added to every single face. Did I say I have a whole city district to do this for
So I'll give this a go to try and see if it:
a interfaces with Playup, and speeds up the process (all I want is a UV map readable by UE4 as I'll use bought textures).
b interfaces with UE4 without Playup, as it may be a time saver to merely place the meshes manually, but to texture quicker (UV map quicker to be accurate).I have been doing all my renders, until now, in EON's Vue, and there is frequent Z-fighting in animations, and moire on stills. So I'll give this a go in Vue too, and see if I can, finally after years, get tiling to work on roofs using their materials system.
Wish me luck, and I'll report back in the next couple of weeks when I have had a chance to try.
@khai said:
so now we're down to this...
How much? when? are we nearly there yet? who was that masked stranger?
I apologise for the late reply but we are tied up prepping Animator with Fredo and finalising the licensing system with WrapR.
Once Animator is out then expect WrapR shortly afterwards...