SubD examples and models
In fact all works fine!
It was half my fault! I was too confident of the first reading text! -
Glitch ?
SUbD finds internal faces and can't be apply! (Who don't exist)
(Artisan subdivides
SUbD Catmull-Clark algorithm require the mesh to be a manifold or a surface without any forks. That model you have there have an edge with four faces connected - the algorithm cannot handle that. In another modelling package where the entities didn't merge you'd get away with it as you could have overlapping edges. But since SU merges entities at all times these types of scenarios becomes a challenge.
OpenSubdiv 3 supports internal faces - maybe it would be able to cope with this as well - I'm not sure. But that's still down the line in the road map.
It would be handy if either SubD or Solid inspector could highlight these annoying joints. They can be a real headache to find manually sometimes.
Solid Inspector used to complain about these - but because they where considered false positives in many cases it was changed to ignore them.
I do have ideas for an analytical tool for QFT that will visualize quads from triangles and ngons. Maybe it can lightlight forks as well...
By the way, I tried the model on an experimental build I have where I try to wire up OpenSubdiv and it seemed to be able to cope with it:
THx for the explanation and the effort!
@thomthom said:
I do have ideas for an analytical tool for QFT that will visualize quads from triangles and ngons.
please please auto-detect sausages ad donuts
somewere i should have a "wishlist" i wrote with some examples included too..
Another quick late night doodle just for fun and to help wrap my head around quads.
It's very quick and simple but everything is so easy to manipulate with the combination of QFT, VT and SubD.
nice cotty loving this thread....I'll get involved soon
@Box: nice plane!
@ olishea: be careful, it's contagious -
got it, two are blue and two are red...
not sure what you guys are trying to achieve with this kind of experiments?
what's the point with all those triangles?
is just for the sake of testing the algorithm itself or is such topology intended for something?
maybe 3dprintinghere is a children slide done with good old quads
Going to show my ignorance
How do you go about drawing things like this with quads? Is there some place I can go to learn the process or do you just draw everything with straight lines?
dave i made a pretty extensive tutorial a few days ago..didn't you spot it?
@panixia said:
dave i made a pretty extensive tutorial a few days ago..didn't you spot it?
jOops...I think I have it book marked on a different computer ( if that is the one about the piece of furniture). My apology. I promise I will watch it. L have been going thru some Blender tuts. I want to learn how to draw things better.
actually it's also bookmarked on the sub-d website video..
not sure if i should create a topic in the main tutorial section of the forum or in sub-d subforum..