[PLUGIN]MITSUBA Render Exporter v1.5.0(20141109)
Awesome....thank you
- topic:timeago-later,16 days
I update this to V1.2.0. in 2014.03.16.Fix Bumpmap export problem.
Add Motion Blur Export.
Improve Material Editor.Enjoy!
has anyone had this working on a mac?
I get this error from Mitsuba on launch...
main.serialised is empty...
I also get a blank materials editor...john
EDIT: material dialog working now...
the issue seems to be with 'mitsuba_main.serialized' not being written to...
I tried different paths in the 'User' domain, but that hasn't helped, so what is doing the serialization? if it's jQuery that may be the issue...
Wonderful Plugin
Wonderful Free Render -
Thank for your enjoying!Hi,Driven.
I tested this on macOS 10.9.1 and sketchup2014 and mitsuba render 0.5.0.Select Mitsuba.app as Render engine like this video.
And,I execute "commanline-access" from mitsuba menu once before test on mac.
This maybe connect anything working well or,not.I hope this help you.
8 version in the materials editor view shows only one material (Sophi_Hair) and does not show changes ??? in render all right, version 14, everything works
thanks for the video, adding the symlink to /usr/bin/mitsuba hasn't made a difference.
materials is using 'mitsuba' for the previews...
the serialization just isn't occurring, the file remains empty, and I get the same error message...'Ruby Console' indicates all is well...
'mitsuba log' seems ok
2014-03-17 18;06;50 DEBUG main [Thread] Spawning thread "load" 2014-03-17 18;06;50 INFO load [sceneloader.cpp;101] Parsing scene description from "//Applications/su_render/Mitsuba_scene.xml" .. 2014-03-17 18;06;50 INFO load [scenehandler.cpp;675] In file "//Applications/su_render/Mitsuba_scene.xml" (near line 2); Parsing included file "Mitsuba_geometries.xml" .. 2014-03-17 18;06;50 INFO load [SerializedMesh] Loading shape 0 from "mitsuba_main.serialized" .. 2014-03-17 18;06;50 DEBUG load [Thread] Thread "load" has finished
but I get the error...
the log in app/contents reports my gl settup
2014-03-17 17;42;21 INFO main [mainwindow.cpp;80] Mitsuba version 0.5.0 (Mac OS, 64 bit), Copyright (c) 2014 Wenzel Jakob 2014-03-17 17;42;21 INFO main [mainwindow.cpp;83] Configured for RGB-based rendering 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [NSGLSession] Initializing NSGL session 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [NSGLRenderer] Using an existing NSGL context 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] OpenGL renderer ; ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO OpenGL Engine 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] OpenGL vendor ; ATI Technologies Inc. 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] OpenGL version ; 2.1 ATI-8.24.11 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; Framebuffers objects are supported. 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; GLSL is supported. 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; Floating point textures are supported. 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; Floating point color buffers are supported. 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; Fast buffer blitting is supported. 2014-03-17 17;42;21 INFO main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; Multisample framebuffer objects are NOT supported! 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; Vertex buffer objects are supported. 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; Geometry shaders are supported. 2014-03-17 17;42;21 DEBUG main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; Custom texture filtering is supported. 2014-03-17 17;42;21 WARN main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; Synchronization objects are NOT supported! 2014-03-17 17;42;21 INFO main [GLRenderer] Capabilities; Bindless rendering is NOT supported!
I'm on OSX 10.9.2 as well... but on an older iMac
I'm getting much the same error as John, though the message says "near line 25" instead of the line he reported. The /Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.serialized file has size 0.
What can we do to help debug this?
MacBook Pro Retina, OS X 10.9.2
think I found the problem, but not the solution...
2014-03-18 11:44:26 INFO main [converter.cpp:127] Creating directory "textures" .. Caught a critical exception: boost::filesystem::create_directory: Permission denied: "textures"
@driven said:
think I found the problem, but not the solution...
2014-03-18 11:44:26 INFO main [converter.cpp:127] Creating directory "textures" .. Caught a critical exception: boost::filesystem::create_directory: Permission denied: "textures"
Ummm...I guess the problem is delay of writing file.
Please search "mitsuba_main.dae" in "/applications/su_render" folder.
Tell me that file size.
And Start Mitsuba and import "mitsuba_main.dae" file.Is there anything displayed on mitsuba window.
Now "mitsuba_main.serialized" is created in that folder.and it is not zero byte.
Seriarized file is binary mesh file of mitsuba render.
Please send me your "mtsuba_main.dae" If "mitsuba_main.serialized" is zero byte.
I will analyze it.
When I import that file, I get the attached popup dialog and the log contains the attached messages. The serialized file is then not empty and mitsuba generates a rendered scene! So the problem definitely involves getting from the dae to the serialized file. However, the rendering contains only one instance each of Components that have multiple instances in the SketchUp file. The handling of my original textured material also is weird (looks like a grainy mass of dots instead of the original wood image).
Here are the folders and contents after importing the dae. As John reported, the textures folder exists but is empty, as is the output folder.
steves-macbook:su_render steve$ ls -lR ./*
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admin 6673 Mar 17 21:23 ./Mitsuba_geometries.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admin 1365 Mar 17 21:23 ./Mitsuba_scene.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admin 5867 Mar 17 21:23 ./mitsuba_geom.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admin 30488 Mar 17 21:23 ./mitsuba_main.dae
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admin 903109 Mar 18 09:04 ./mitsuba_main.exr
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admin 3582 Mar 18 08:55 ./mitsuba_main.serialized
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admin 1620 Mar 18 08:55 ./mitsuba_main.xml./output:
total 80
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admin 39202 Mar 17 17:31 su2objmtl_default_material.png./textures:
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admin 3645 Mar 17 21:23 dark_mahogany.jpg -
here are all the files for both...
this is after the Misuba.app import so it has a textures folder...
still empty after untitled was run...
su_render.zip -
Here is the Flow of exporting to mitsuba in my plugin.1.Create collada mesh without materials and transformation.(for instancing)
2.Convert the collada mesh to serialized mesh by mtsimport tool.
3.Export scene information iclude materials and instancing and transformation for serialized mesh.Please open "mitsuba_scene.xml" in mitsuba render ,if there is correct serialized mesh "mitsuba_main.serialized" created from "mitsuba_main.dae".
That will be shown all correctly.
Mtsimport work fine?
Collada file created fine?
Seriarize file is not zero byte? -
I can trap the create_directory error by appending at line 269 in mitsuba_main.rb
the serialisation never occurs from the plugin...system(commandline, ;out => ['/tmp/log.txt', 'a'], ;err => ['/tmp/log.txt', 'a'])