Help! How to make a spiral like a paper?
I think shape bender is more likely to be closer to the original paper size and shape.
OK gilles I have to ask, what IS that avatar supposed to be?
Pilou you have to say how you made the spiral.
Green names are "Top SketchUcators", distinguished forum members.
@unknownuser said:
"Top SketchUcators" are known as exceptionally active and helpful as well as highly skilled members of the SketchUcation Community Forums. This is a closed group, new members can only join upon invitation of a group leader.
They can, however, choose to remain a bit "under cover" and do not set that usergroup as their default so some of them are blue as regular members.
Manual SU by my above method. I'm sure it's a little slower than fredoscale and probably a little harder. Took about 25 min. and I should be doing something else, but this is more fun.
Ha. I can see now. In fact, a male dog.
Sorry I asked.
With FredOscale Free bending tool. I just like using it for the fun of it. Way more fun than doing my taxes.
Start with rectangle. Make component. Put another rectangle vertical along direction of curl (I drew corner to corner) for setting the rotation. You have to bend a portion (I used 1/3). take off the straight portion (using edit component, choose flat face and edges, make component, cut, exit component, paste in place), bend that-- and repeat for total of three or more times, because you can only go 180 in each bend. Probably faster other ways? But this feels more "realistic" and you can adjust procedure for the curl you want.You explode and rejoin the portions at the end.
"distinguished"? Now I'll have to grow a mustache.
@unknownuser said:
you have to say how you made the spiral.
Like the first post with the draw Helix
Draw any Helix / Copy Move then Scale it
The beauty of the thing is all that take 5 seconds to make! -
Super cool! You guys just save me!
@gilles said:
It's a dog.
I'm confused. I see what might be a tail, an organ, and an orifice but at that point my imagination can't hack it.
**EDIT:** Now I get it. Before, I could not hear the splashing.
Great tips on the model, folks. First I'm going to try Pilou's 5 second method. Be back in the morning sometime when I finish.
I'm back but for me the use of TIG's tool is not intuitive. I don't doubt that that is more a reflection of my limitations but one might need reminding that TIG's tool needs curves for the rails, as Pilou mentioned. So you need to draw even a straight edge as multiple sections or divide it and then weld it into a curve.
Definitely Shape Bender:
[off:25v2rhb7]Un chien mâle qui pisse, vu de derrière
Very conceptual avatar!
Thanks for learnin' me a little, after which, for me, extrude edges by rails works best, simply because I could not make the length of the helix and the diagonal to match so shape bender had an annoying error (the little projecting tab). How to make these equal? Note also the disagreement about the length of the scaled helix curve info=112', label=245'. I assume the scaling threw a wrench in the works?
#1 draw the path ( helix )
#2 select it, open entity info to get the length
#3 draw the line the same length
#4 draw the diagonal sheet the same length
#5 draw the sheet with circle tool set to 4 segments ( if you want a square sheet )
#6 erase the diagonal
#7 group the sheet
#8 run shape bender.....wait....
#9 resize the model with tape tool. doneit takes five minutes.
Thanks for that.
@unknownuser said:#5 draw the sheet with circle tool set to 4 segments ( if you want a square sheet )
Perhaps that method it is more accurate than 'extrude edges by rails' even if a little slower.
If your paper is square it's fast as you already have the diagonal.
Anybody tried Spirix on this? I am not sure if it can be applied here. Some more info, I think is in a thread back about 4months. As far as I know, the author doesn't post here.