[Plugin] Pen Tool +
Awesome. I joined this site specifically to get this plug-in. It's been a bane in my rear end that Sketchup couldn't simply draw dashed (or construction lines) that didn't go into infinity. Couldn't make a clean diagram that way. (And I know SU is more for 3D than CAD- but it makes sense to model something and then CAD it out in the same app. I also know Layout can draw them, but that gets messy too).
I literally just used the plug-in, but something I noticed right off I want to ask about:
I see that drawing the Construction lines flags to SU they are indeed construction lines. When I "Delete Guides" they are deleted as well. I tried grouping them and locking, but they still get deleted if I use the command. Is there a way to makes these lines unique to SU so they won't get deleted when cleaning up my drawings with the Delete Guides command?
Thanks again. This will cut down on a lot of cursing 'round here!Win XP, SU 7
Unfortunately no. Guides are deleted even in locked groups. I'd call this a bug but officially it is called a "feature".
I am not really sure but as if in some earlier versions construction lines hadn't been deleted if they were in a group and you were outside that context. Just like how "unhide all" works now.
You can always put these guides into a component (along with something else) however then right click and "Save as..." Later when you clean up your guides, right click on this component again and "Reload".
I know it's a poor workaround but should do it.
There are several tools knocking around that I and others made ages ago...
Mine erases only those guide-lines or guide-points or both in the active context or current selection or 'all' if there's no selection - see here http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=341048#p341048 [I just modernized it a bit] -
Thank you Rich O'Brien!
But the weld draw doesnt work by me.
It always start from the origin point so I can't draw the line I want.
Can you tell how to fix it? -
i am going to use this often
thank you -
all pens draw from origin and thats it. is there something i'm missing
It works fine for me. So, you must be missing something.
Ian, I see you have just joined and this was your first post. It's not too late to start over: register another account and ask nicely. No-one will know it's you and you will find these gentlemen very helpful.
I was nice
I know. Me too. I was even happy! (And Massimo even happier)
@gaieus said:
Ian, I see you have just joined and this was your first post. It's not too late to start over: register another account and ask nicely. No-one will know it's you and you will find these gentlemen very helpful.
Lol I see you guys have a good sense of humor. I'm sorry for the harsh post. I model 3d trains for railworks 2012 train simulator and was interested in this pen tool. But for some reason it draws an edge from the origin everytime instead of a series like the pencil tool. do you guys know what is wrong? I have sketchup 8 pro. the newest patch too. Thanks for the help!
OK, now we are talking.
I cannot even imagine what may be going on there. Which tool are you actually using? (There are a bunch of them in here) Where are you starting the lines? I also have the latest SU build and have no issues at all.
@gaieus said:
OK, now we are talking.
I cannot even imagine what may be going on there. Which tool are you actually using? (There are a bunch of them in here) Where are you starting the lines? I also have the latest SU build and have no issues at all.
well I got this pen tool+ v1.4 found here http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugin_details.php?id=854; is this the same as the one in this thread?
I start my line just from the origin of SU to practice using this tool. but using the pen tool there are 6 different types of which only the guide pen works correctly. when i draw, it starts from the origin and ends at the endpoint, then it starts again from the origin rather than from the endpoint, unlike the pencil tool.
Is your Template or Style setting part of the problem? Or is your precision set too high? Or are you modeling some really tiny items? I don't know, just trying to shake some ideas.
@mitcorb said:
Is your Template or Style setting part of the problem? Or is your precision set too high? Or are you modeling some really tiny items? I don't know, just trying to shake some ideas.
Just drawing a simple shape to try out the tool. nothing more.
Still pretty new to sketchup, but
I really dont understand the intent of this tool
- softpen appears to do nothing
- I see what some of the other pens do...I guess there must be a need for their functions
Can you give me specific scenario/sequence on doing something with softpen
(I was hoping that it would "round" line corners and such). -
Turn hidden geometry on (View menu) and you will see the soft edges the tool draws. Certainly one could live without it: draw traditional edges and soften them afterwards. Sometimes it is a pain in the butt though if you need to draw a lot. This is best to add edges to (or heal missing faces of) already soft meshes, most of the times curved surfaces.
This is something I wanted for a long time, and in fact I d/l'd it last year, put it in my "2B installed" directory (off the "plugin" dir), and then.....
promptly forgot about it.An all to common occurrence with me.
So today, I got this thread notice, d/l'd it and got the XP warning about overwriting a file.
I installed it.
Rich, is there any way to set the toolbar in a vertical format?
I have no horizontal space top or bottom screen for more toolbars, but I have space on the left, 2 icons wide.
Can I edit the script (with your instructions) until you hopefully furnish an update?