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Nice dog.
Well done Pete,
Crits? Too many polys (but its OK here) much stretching on ears area, not the best for UVs. -
@solo said:
...exported the line image...
I've never figured how to do this...
Please enlighten us mortals...
If I export a line image, the background will not be transparent... -
I presume he sets the blend mode to overlay in Photoshop? That's what i do anyway
@michal, Poly count is no issue, I dont mind high poly models, I use a studio renderer so that hurdle is overcome. I used FFD on ears so yes I stretched the mesh.
@Frederick and Rich, I use a white background when rendering so exporting SU lines with a white background actually helps, in PS I use 'multiply' for blend, makes lines pop better.
@frederik said:
If I export a line image, the background will not be transparent...
if you export a tiff or png which support transparency then click 'transparent background' in the export options.
[though i'm thinking this may be a mac only feature?]
Mac only...
See, there is a reason for owning a Mac.
What is it? You can it disappear into the BG
@solo said:
@Frederick and Rich, I use a white background when rendering so exporting SU lines with a white background actually helps, in PS I use 'multiply' for blend, makes lines pop better.
Cheers, Pete...
Just thought you had a trick in your sleeve to export the lines with transparent background, but blending using 'multiply' works just fine...Edit: I knew I had seen somewhere that you're able to get transparent background on a Mac...
Well, well... thomthom's Export 2d with Alpha can make similar png's for us depending on Windows...
Unfortunately only the background will be transparent and not objects (not even if you paint them in the same color as the bg)... -
@unknownuser said:
I use a white background when rendering so exporting SU lines with a white background actually helps, in PS I use 'multiply' for blend, makes lines pop better.
Multiply works fine, no need for transparent background.
If you want transparent or semi transparent exports (lets say window glass etc) apply a strong color (pure magenta or green) then use it as mask in Ps.A nice way for fake reflections in PP.
@solo said:
Mac only...
See, there is a reason for owning a Mac.
Actually, that is no longer true. I think since they re-built the SU render engine in 7.1, PC has been able to export transparent png's.
@chris fullmer said:
Actually, that is no longer true. I think since they re-built the SU render engine in 7.1, PC has been able to export transparent png's.
Please elaborate and post some screen shots, Chris...
Cause I sure can't find this in the option menu...
I've tried both tif and png - and I don't see any option for selecting transparent background...@frederik said:
Well, well... thomthom's Export 2d with Alpha can make similar png's for us depending on Windows...
Really Frederik, you don't need this much. You may need to mask some glass windows too, transparency doesn't help much there. Try to assign a pure green or magenta instead. Ps can do miracles this way. From a mac user anyway.
I know, michalis...
I can make incredible things in post pro with PS for Win...
I also know about the work arounds, but if I can avoid them, it would be great...Chris F. states that transparent background is possible with SU for Win since ver. 7.1 but I can't find how/where, hence my question to Chris to post some screen shots...
Well, well... I don't want to hijack this thread...
@frederik said:
@chris fullmer said:
Actually, that is no longer true. I think since they re-built the SU render engine in 7.1, PC has been able to export transparent png's.
Please elaborate and post some screen shots, Chris...
Cause I sure can't find this in the option menu...I'd also be curious, Chris. What beta build are you using?
This is bizarre - is it seriouslly not possible? I swear I've done this a dozen times in the last week. Even wierder is I'm sure it was Gaieus who corrected me last time I said the same thing as Solo. I think I'm experiencing early onset dimentia. I suddenly am unsure of everything.
I'm on vacation now and I don't have access to SU at the moment. So when I can play with SU, I'll test it. so weird.......
First, there is no checkbox for transparent background at all so I cannot set it. When I export (even with sky and ground turned off), the white background appears, too.
I can of course export with transparent background from LayOut.
@gaieus said:
First, there is no checkbox for transparent background at all so I cannot set it. When I export (even with sky and ground turned off), the white background appears, too.
Thanks for confirming this, Csaba...
@gaieus said:
I can of course export with transparent background from LayOut.
I have ver. 7 Pro, but I haven't upgraded ver. 8 to Pro...
Besides, I've never really used LayOut... -
Looking good, solo! Was most of this model created with the SDS2 sculpt tool? Or did you use your proxy/subdivision workflow?
Proxy base, then divide,sculpt,divide,smooth, I know it sounds like a silly workflow but once SDS2 is released most folk will understand.