SKU Pro 7.16860 works like crap!
your problem must be somewhere else. 7.1 is so much faster that 6 or even 7.
Yes, I agree. 7.1 works really well for me. Far better than 6!
Did any of the suggestions help, dficarra?
@jim said:
Did any of the suggestions help, dficarra?
Well I updated my driver and made sure the settings in the openGL were set as noted here, and it seems it did help some. But God help me if I have shadows on. It hangs pretty bad if I'm using a decent sized file or have the model within a site plan.
I've also had a really tough time yesterday trying to get the drape tool to work properly on a topo model I created. I tried it several times, sometimes it crashed, other times it just stopped progressing and hung up at anywhere between 42% and 53%. And I've been able to use it in the past on even larger and more complicated site plans so I don't know what the problems is now. I'm hoping sketchup doesn't bring me to the same aggravated and frustrated level that autocad architecture has!
Shadows has always been slow. I've noticed any change between SU6 and SU7.
And as for the Drape tool - crashes in both SU6 and SU7. Depends on the file... I found that it's usually just a small portion of what I drape the causes it.
Yeah, I've tried it in 6 and 7. I tried grouping, exploding filling in the spaces on the site plan to drape, putting topo and site plan in same group, just about any kind of configuration I could think of and just can't seem to get it to function properly.
Whent he drape command "hangs" or freezes, it is not frozen. It is still processing. You just need to let it keep running. I've had to process many that take 8+ hours. So just let it keep running. It will BugSplat if it really stops working - those are frustrating.
No kidding, 8 hours? Wow. That stinks, guess I'll have to set it up today at end of the day and have it crunch on it over night. Thanks for the heads up.
I have constant problems with SU--slow response--even to tool selections, 2 or 3 crashes per day, painfully slow saves. It's close to unusable. Very frustrating.
@davej said:
I have constant problems with SU--slow response--even to tool selections, 2 or 3 crashes per day, painfully slow saves. It's close to unusable. Very frustrating.
What hardware and drivers do you have?
I'm using a stock MacBookPro, 2.6 GHz, 4 GB RAM, GeForce 8600M GT. "Unusable" is overstating its deficiencies, but it is painfully slow. Layout on the other hand, is absolutely unusable, but that's another discussion for another forum.
I'm right there with you DaveJ, that's why I started this thread. Since we only have one pro seat in the office whoever opens sketchup 7 first uses the pro and the rest of us that open it after that have to use the free version and it says "Sketchup Pro [EXPIRED]" at the top of the toolbars. And when we're in that one, every move has a delay to it. Rotating view has a second or two hickup, drawing a line has a second or two delay in when the marker shows up, etc... Everything has a delay including selecting the tools and turning layers on or off and that's with shadows off.
I still haven't really received any info on here as to how to fix this problem and it's really getting to me. Making me save all files back down and use version 6. Please some one give me a cure.
But there is no difference between the Free and Pro version in their graphics capability - so if the Pro version is faster than the Free version, it is because of a configuration setting.
I don't know how using the network license setup handles it.
Dave, are you sure it's SketchUp? I've noticed that since upgrading to 10.6, the overall speed of my computer has become overtly s-l-o-w
Make sure you disable Flash too. Flash is sucking power out of my graphics, big time.
Like Jim says, there is no difference between the Free and Pro (or eval) version of SU so if you experience anything like this, it MUST be something else.
@tfdesign said:
Dave, are you sure it's SketchUp? I've noticed that since upgrading to 10.6, the overall speed of my computer has become overtly s-l-o-w
Make sure you disable Flash too. Flash is sucking power out of my graphics, big time.
SU is the only application I am having trouble with--with the exception of Layout which truly is crap. Why would Flash cause any problem if a browser is not active?
@gaieus said:
Like Jim says, there is no difference between the Free and Pro (or eval) version of SU so if you experience anything like this, it MUST be something else.
Is there a bunch of boxes that need to be checked or unchecked for optimum performance? If so, can someone provide me with a list of what to have checked and unchecked and I'll see if that makes a difference?
As Thom and Jim already suggested earlier, turning off Hardware Acceleration and Fast Feedback under Preferences should boost speed.
But it doesn't seem like that's your problem? Could be a network issue with server?
@unknownuser said:
turning off Hardware Acceleration and Fast Feedback under Preferences should boost speed.
No - turning on boosts speed. You only turn off if you are having problems and want to check if it is a graphic card issue.
@thomthom said:
@unknownuser said:
turning off Hardware Acceleration and Fast Feedback under Preferences should boost speed.
No - turning on boosts speed. You only turn off if you are having problems and want to check if it is a graphic card issue.
I realise Hardware Acceleration boost SU performance but didn't get that across
What I meant was turning off would help isolate if the problem stemmed from the GPU. Then troubleshoot back from that point to which setting could be causing the fault.
my suggestion with the networks comeS from problem I have in work where access to our server is in conflict with SU, Office, Outlook etc. Lenghty pauses for what was apparently no reason. Finally they solved by installing a filter of some sort which managed traffic to and from the server.
Still not 100% but tolerable, though I solve by removing LAN cable completely which has added bonus of an email free day