[Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
Bug [pretty sure anyway].
Hi I love this Fredoscale plugin and was going to make a donation but I am getting some buggy results which I hope there is a solution for. Please see attachments.
Some whole components move or don't move instead of scale.
I've tried some scaling and everything works as expected. Can you desribe your goal more detailed?
Hi. I have a question. When I twist an object and conferm my sketchup crashes. What could this be?
@jdkarg1989 said:
Hi. I have a question. When I twist an object and conferm my sketchup crashes. What could this be?
Are you working on a Group which has been freshly copied?
Or is the object very tiny ?
Or very large ?? -
What are the dimensions of the original before bending?
@dave r said:
What are the dimensions of the original before bending?
Very small, 2mm * 5 mm rectangle, extruded to 5mm.
I just tried to reproduce it after a restart but couldn't. Will post back when I have a consistent way to reproduce this. Same dimensions work fine on a clean slate. -
Typically SketchUp won't fill in tiny faces such as the ones being generated in your bending operation. For that reason it isn't much of a surprise that it didn't work. Perhaps the second time you tried it you weren't making such tiny faces?
Got a sample model?
Whilst I am almost certain this issue has been raised in this thread, I can't go through 27 pages of reading right now.
Does anyone else have sketchup crash completely when using the scale/stretch tool on groups that contain groups? I always use extensive grouping so that I can take my models into 3ds max, and this tool would undoubtedly speed up my workflow - but keeps crashing sketchup.
Also, the snaps don't seem to work properly all of the time?
Anybody else, or am I doing it wrong?
Never mind, I found a work-around.
To stop the crashes I have to work within the group I'm trying to scale, and select all of the items within the group (provided there are no other sub-groups, otherwise it will crash).
This then stops the snaps working properly; it wont let me snap (correctly) to things outside of the group that I am working in - so I have to draw a line within the group to create a snap point, then delete it once I am done.
Be interesting to test - to see if it's just on your system. Maybe a plugin conflict...
@macker said:
Does anyone else have sketchup crash completely when using the scale/stretch tool on groups that contain groups? I always use extensive grouping so that I can take my models into 3ds max, and this tool would undoubtedly speed up my workflow - but keeps crashing sketchup.
This may be related to the big issues of "freshly copied groups".
In your case, was one of the group a copy of another one (you should see "2 instances" in the Entity Info Window.
If this is the case, then FredoScale needs some evolutions. I have done it on Curvizard.
As a workaround for complex hirearchy of groups and components, try to perform a Make Unique before (Make Unique is also part of FredoScale).
God bless you, Fredo
? i just started to use fredo scale and i'm running into a bit of a problem. when i scalle a component for example a cabinet it renames the parts which it should but even if the parts are the same size. so when i run a cut list program it seperates those peices instead of having them on the same line. is there anyway of changeing this?
That's the wrong way to resize a cabinet for the way you want to use the model.
Resize the cabinet the correct way and you won't have this problem. Components that remain the same such as base cabinet sides for face frame stiles don't need to be made unique and won't if you resize the way I show.
Thank you for your great plugings.
I just have a Huge problem. I cant get them to run. I have sketchup pro 7. in the windows tab i have libfredo6 settings. its 4.7c. However, I dont have any fredo collection in tools. i tried copying and pasting many times i just cant get this to work, the same problem with the joint push and pull. this was just a normal copy paste or am I wrong? Please help me out a bit, I kinda have to extrude like 1500 blocks here lol. a whole city!!
Thank you -
Have you tried updating your Fredo-plugins?
Not sure if I installed this correct I am using 2013 and well I followed all the steps and everything and it still didnt work what am I doing wrong here is the picture on windows 7 seems people are having a hard time with these scripts. Got a better Idea maybe everyone will enjoy this one also but why not put it automaticaly on the sketchup Plugin Extention for Sketchup 2013 that way it automaticaly installs it and also makes it so we can use it instead of going threw the hassle of it, think that was the reason why teh sketchup team decided to do that so non techi's liek myself dont haev to go threw this hassle