@tig said:
Check Window > Preferences > Extensions > Sandbox is checked.
If that is OK then check View > Toolbars > Sandbox is checked.
Both checked but toolbar is still missing.
@tig said:
Check Window > Preferences > Extensions > Sandbox is checked.
If that is OK then check View > Toolbars > Sandbox is checked.
Both checked but toolbar is still missing.
I am a bit confused at the point, where I might have an extension, for example Fredo6_Curvizard (God bless Fredo6), and a plugin Fredo6_Curvizard. Same stuff in both managers, is there a correct way to handle them? Like, do they need to be turned on in both managers to work properly?
Guess the problem has kinda resolved itself, however, great thanks for everyone who replied, that really helped, thank you guys.
@tig said:
Now I see you are 'RUssian'...
Are you sure there are no special characters in any of your Layout filepaths.
If your user-name etc, or even a custom template or scrapbook file-name contains some Cyrillic characters that could break things...
Hehe, naah, I'm familiar with the problem you are referring to, I use latin in these situations. But double checking is always a good idea.
Look at the size of the prefs.xml, 0 bytes? It creates a blank file all the time.
I'm sorry guys, my bad, simply missed the button, a bit exited here, hehe , will finish my project in time, wohoo
@timurglobal said:
Now it is getting really weird...
When delete only preferences.xml LO works, other xmls don't affect LO crashes, only the preferences.xml... Weird
Now it is getting really weird. First, there is no custom templates to cause the crash, however there are several files like preferences.xml and other xmls. When I delete them LO starts just fine and after the session creates them again, which makes it start crashing again. Have some guesses but don't know how to fix it, is it my system? I snapped it on screen but can't upload the image here.
Just checked, full permiion whenever possible.
Did the repair and reinstall thing, pretty much a few times.
About custom templates, however, I do remember that in my last working session (on SU8) I've created a custom frame for A1 (just tweaked already existed one, added logo and stuff) If this affects LO, please, explain how to deal with it, I can delete this template, but not sure where to look for them.
@tyler miller said:
Hey Tim -
Any chance that you have unicode characters in your username on the machine? We just found a bug yesterday where are xml parser is choking on file paths with unicode characters. We're working on a fix now.
I'm working on laptop, name is Tim-PC. Might dash be a problem???
@tig said:
Try setting the Layout [and SketchUp etc] .exe file to 'run as admin' ... Properties > Compatibility
This is a wild guess but it might be a permission issue.
I also assume that all of your relevant folders also have full read/write permission for you ?
These might need changing if it's a new install ??
Ran as admin, didn't help. Checked on read/write permission, no effect. Thing is, everything is working flawlessly, except for LO. Only LO is crashing.