[Plugin] FollowMe and keep (v0.04 update 20090210)
The hidden geometry was indeed off, now it works perfectly. Thanks!
this plugin has just saved me hours. i love you.
image attached. each side of the stairs is a different curve... pain in the ass.
Just wanted to say Thanks again!
I had lost the ruby and someone helped me find this one again...it is amazing for stairs! -
So I installed the followme and keep plugin and it worked great on the first railing that I used it for but now it keeps crashing my SU every time i try it with this other section. Any suggestions?
google should really learn some good stuff like this...thanks man
So what am I missing? I've read through as much of this thread as I could. I can get FAK to work on simple arcs but not on this longer path. Even though it's not supposed to require it, I added a C-point to the start end of the path. Surely I've done something that isn't right. Can anyone tell me what it is?
Weld- Don't Weld? Group- Don't Group? This is a test, right?
Plugin "deprecation" due to Sketchup version?I mean, when you're stumped, we're in hell.
I'm flattered by your comments. It wasn't a test. Well, it was a test for me.
I finally figured it out. The path needs to be basically horizontal. I didn't see anything in the thread that indicates this, though every example I saw was thus. Even so, it doesn't really do what I need anyway so I'm off on the hunt for another approach.
Well, Dave:
When you say basically horizontal do you mean mostly horizontal or dead flat path, or profile horizontal? I vaguely remember the demos and I may be getting it confused with Chris Fullmer's perpendicular faces tool. -
Sorry for being vague. I turned the helix on its side so its axis was along the green axis. This turned the square profile up on edge as well. I initially use Chris Fullmer's Perpendicular Face Tools to put the square on the end of the helix while the helix was standing up. that worked just fine.
I like this tool, but it is lacking a basic feature that 1001bit's version does have: a reference point.
FollowMeAndKeep automatically uses the center of the face that it wants to extrude as the reference point for the path. When using a more complex face that needs to be extruded along a path relative to let's say the bottom left corner, you're out of luck
@sir.swaffel said:
I like this tool, but it is lacking a basic feature that 1001bit's version does have: a reference point.
FollowMeAndKeep automatically uses the center of the face that it wants to extrude as the reference point for the path. When using a more complex face that needs to be extruded along a path relative to let's say the bottom left corner, you're out of luck
It's good to have the option of using 1001bit, isn't it?
haha, yes, unfortunately 1001bit lacks a feature that FollowMeAndKeep does have, it doesn't lock the z orientation. So basically both of them lacks an essential feature of the other... and I don't know a way to combine them
I suppose for FaK you could add some temporary geometry to get the bottom left corner to be the center. Not idea but it could work.
@sir.swaffel said:
I like this tool, but it is lacking a basic feature that 1001bit's version does have: a reference point.
FollowMeAndKeep automatically uses the center of the face that it wants to extrude as the reference point for the path. When using a more complex face that needs to be extruded along a path relative to let's say the bottom left corner, you're out of luck
Reference point?
select a cpoint ,curve and face,then run fak.
the cpoint will be treat as reference poing.
try it.wikii
ah thanks, it never worked when I tried it, so I thought it was broken. But apparently my SU has some trouble making correct faces with FAK and complex curves and precise helixes. Got it working now though, so thx
I'm trying to run FAK on a face + path but it doesn't o anything.
Can anyone point me where I'm wrong? I tried with a simpler shape (arc + rectangle) and it worked. Is it something wrong with this particular model?Model attached. Thank you.
The extrude edges familly by Tig must make the trick
@ dereei, rotate the whole model so the face isn't horizontal and it works.
I suggest to separate your path in two parts to avoid strange results. -