Joint Push Pull Classic (Old version) - v2.2a - 26 Apr 17
@jclements said:
"The editor makes full usage of the Sketchup inference mechanism so that you can
visually adjust the distance by reference to a particular point in your model, as in most
Sketchup tools. However, when you drag, you may want to skip some inferences. For
this, just keep the SHIFT key pressed down, while dragging faces."For me, keeping the SHIFT key depressed doesn't appear to do anything. The black triangle at the cursor seems to be inferencing to other geometry. Perhaps I am misinterpreting its usage?
The black triangle will seem to 'block' on other geometry, but it position will be ignored when you drag the faces. So inference is skipped 'geometrically', but I did not find a way to skip it 'visually'. Hope this answers your question.
About the icons.. i made the two that are blurry on mac on a different day.. so perhaps i export the icons with different settings...
Jeff here i attach the two icons again... tell me if this fixes the problem (i don´t have a Mac for testing).And about the offset the best method for me will be option nº 1: Only offsets the external border edges of the surface.
Daniel S
hallo Daniel,
I´ve tested the 2 icons on my mac -> same problem as before
but the icon of the very first edition of jpp were OK, so we can use them
[EDIT] daniel posted the latest update while i was typing this reply.. iconsformac2 are correct..
i switched to the first icons and they worked ok..
the new pngs display as sharp in all other apps except sketchup.. i compared the blurry ones against the sharp ones in PS and found the image sizes are different.. i changed the blurry J & V files to the following size..
..and now the new icons look ok..
it's a strange thing to me because the new icons are all 24x24 px.. it's just the resolution and wxh are set different but i would have thought they would display on a monitor according to the pixel size alone..
fwiw - the blurry icons are set to 24 x 24 px... .08 x .08 inches .... resolution 299.974.. -
M-m-m-many thanks to Fredo6 ! very conveniently!
...and let's write it in the end in "jointpushpull.rb" :
UI.add_context_menu_handler do |menu|
menu.add_item("Joint Push Pull ") { JointPushPull.execute 'J' }
menu.add_item("Vector Push Pull ") { JointPushPull.execute 'V' }
menu.add_item("Normal Push Pull ") { JointPushPull.execute 'N' }
menu.add_item("Undo") { JointPushPull.undo }
menu.add_item("Redo") { JointPushPull.redo }
#--------------------------------------------------------------....right click mouse we select the face and activate skript board Simultaneously :stuck_out_tongue: ...Process of drawing will be faster! :tada:
Very good idea and quite natural in Sketchup.
I updated the files in the script repository (also with non blurry icons).
There is a bug in the latest version there should be a ] in this line:
menu.add_item(Traductor[DLG_MnuRedo]) { JointPushPull.redo } -
Updated with correct code in Ruby repositoryFredo
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Is it possible for this script to explode the curve after it is run? Or at least segment it into parts. It would cut down on a step if you are trying to erase lines for a cleaner face. See image.
I put precisely some code to keep curves on the original surface (to be as less destructive as possible). Note however that the generated corresponding contour is not welded as a curve. Is it the situation you have?
The generated contour is not welded correct.
The original is however. I did another test after installing the latest and I get conflicting results. The top ellipse is broken into 2 welded curves that do not correspond the the new JPP created. The bottom ellipse stays completely intact.
See images.
Again, thanks for this script.
If you scale uniformly a surface, it will never match the original (think of a sphere for instance). However, this is somehow an approximate way to offset its contour, while preserving the overall shape of the surface.
With the first method (only offset the borders), you just use the shape of the outer borders and ignore the ones which are inside. So if you offset by a large distance, you will certainly 'dilute' the shape of the surface.
Both methods have their own benefits and drawbacks, and both can be implemented via a script.
That's what I meant.
where is this offset tool?????
beautiful, Fredo... simply fantastic. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing!
Thanks for a great script.
...Here I have applied this script, very pleasant in work.... Thanks once again!
Thanks fredo for this wonderfull new tool. Works like a charme
and with the use of the icons it seems like if they have always been part of the original program. GREAT scripting !!!
erikB -
All my SU life i've been waiting for this!
Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You
I must add by belated THANKS!!! Fredo for this super, great, etc. tool. As usual, I am a bit late finding such gems, but glad I found it now since next week I will be working on a curvy building project that will now be much easier to model.
Glad to "bump" this file up to the top of the list so maybe more late comers can find it.
Spectacular job - again - many thanks
Awsome, yet another great tool for creating things like stairs. And the ofset tool for the curved surfaces would be great too.
Great tool
the normal push pull reminds me of the extrude tool in Wings 3d which i've always liked.