Post diagnosis.
Attached the monitor to the onboard graphics outlet and the pc booted without issues. For me this suyggests a graphic card issue, any other idea's?
Tried a Rayscaper render, selected GPU, got this is around 4m 45s. No, I cannot see how the graphics card can do this. Chillblast are, quiet and not returning calls.
Another go different view.
A little saboutage from the feline, lost a few settings.
Well, I imported this clock from t'internet and I cannot even select anything. All I get is right click and options. Left click does nothing....
Exception breakpoint error. Memory or ssd.
Gone through various check, chkdsk etc. Now having to clean install sketchup, again.
It does get a bit tedious.
If I had a dollar for everytime you hit alerting messages I'd have enough to buy you a new PC
This time around the whole disk checking system ran through, took over an hour and a half.
No idea if it found/fixed anything but no doubt going through the reinstall process with stress anything bent already.
I also had a response from someone claiming to be a manager of the 'customer service team'. He was asking me to tell him what the problem with the operators is so I told him no punches pulled, pointing out the issue and where the law requires them to act. Also mention of publicity should changes not be made. No idea where this is going but it's in the air tonight. Perhaps I had too much 'bastard factor' in my tea.
I believe that when these people say they are going to do something they should, rather than buggering off and ignoring the issue.
Oh well, off to collect the latest offering from the cat, she seems spatially challenged and often misses the litter tray. Thanks Moggy.
Shot in the dark but try from a CMD prompt...
sfc /scannow
Let that run through.
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Run CMD as admin and...
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth sfc /scannow
Rich, can you delete two of those last posts?
It went through eventually and I have now reinstalled sketchup minus any plugins so far. Waiting to see what happens next. Such fun this computing lark, never a dull moment at all...
Sorry I have been a pain, I rather hope you would keep the new machine dosh for a rainy day for you and yours mate.
Moving onwards-shire. No idea why the front and rear tyres behave differently as the are both 'charcoal'. Just experimenting with what I have here. Sketchup is still randomly taking up to 20 seconds to open the welcome screen.
Adjusting settings, lighting etc.
The front 'tyre' is still acting up and I think nthe 'freezing' of Sketchup mid procedure is related to Rayscaper.
While altering the ;finish of a material in Rayscaper Sketchup 'froze' again.
Any thoughts folks.
OK, something new, when reducing Rayscaper to adjust or check materials etc, NB that this can start Rayscaper on a new render. I always 'stop' the render before minimising Rayscaper. As the load is pretty high this can 'freeze' Sketchup..
Hey @Mike-Amos
Are you doing CPU or GPU rendering? When doing CPU rendering, Rayscaper can definitely eat away resources from the rest of the system.
While altering the ;finish of a material in Rayscaper Sketchup 'froze' again.
Do you mind sharing this scene, Mike? Adjusting a material can take time, but it should not freeze the entire application.
OK, something new, when reducing Rayscaper to adjust or check materials etc, NB that this can start Rayscaper on a new render. I always 'stop' the render before minimising Rayscaper. As the load is pretty high this can 'freeze' Sketchup..
Do you have a way to reproduce this? When there are no changes, there should be no render restart. That feels like a bug.