[Plugin][$] Vertex Tools
@optimaforever said:
Note that my meshes aren't perfectly quadbased; there are sometimes tris. I'm wondering how it will manage that ;D
It will work as expected: will create a proper diagoanl for each quad and will leave any other polygon (triangle or ngon) as it is.
@optimaforever said:
I've always wondered why thomthom proposed the triangulate quads option. now it makes more sense.
I thought you lose the quad properties when triangulating but apparently not.QuadFace Tools quads can be planar SketchUp quads, or they can be two triangle separated by an edge that is Soft+Smooth+Not Casting Shadows.
It's not intuitive, but it was the only way I could manage to sanely work with quad meshes in SU.@optimaforever said:
Note that my meshes aren't perfectly quadbased; there are sometimes tris. I'm wondering how it will manage that ;D
Quads are not a hard rule. Some times a tri or even n-gon in the right place makes the mesh simpler and easier to work with.
Thanks Thomas for the reply!
That's hilarious. I want a 3d print of that!
Wow! This is fantasticality surreal!
How did you manage to turn that profile photo into a 3D head sculpture?