Toposhaper Crashing
Is there a maximum size that toposhaper will complete? I am trying to create a mesh for my current project and it keeps giving me the pink ruby error window. Just wondering if there is something that I can change to allow it to work successfully. I simplified my contours all the way up to 10 feet and it still crashes. I have a hard due date coming up and in a bit of a time crunch. Anyone else ran into this problem and have found a solution please help.
The error says it was aborted because of zero length vector.
@ball4872 said:
Is there a maximum size that toposhaper will complete? I am trying to create a mesh for my current project and it keeps giving me the pink ruby error window. Just wondering if there is something that I can change to allow it to work successfully. I simplified my contours all the way up to 10 feet and it still crashes. I have a hard due date coming up and in a bit of a time crunch. Anyone else ran into this problem and have found a solution please help.
The error says it was aborted because of zero length vector.
This would help if you can post the full error (just select the text in the dialog box).
Also, posting the model would help, in case this is related to the model.
Date: 08-Sep-16 15:41:06
An error occurred in CALCULATING TERRAINS
The operation is fully abortedZero length vector)
TopoShaperAAMixin.rb: 283 -- offset
TopoShaperAAMixin.rb: 283 -- bb_2_points
TopoShaperAAMixin.rb: 290 -- contour_cut_segment?
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 1895 -- block in hull_proximity_direct_pass
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 1895 -- each
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 1895 -- find
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 1895 -- hull_proximity_direct_pass
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 1855 -- hull_proximity_pass
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 1744 -- hull_concave_pass
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 1676 -- block in hull_concave
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 1674 -- each
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 1674 -- hull_concave
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 1565 -- hull_calculate
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 525 -- top_analysis_contour
TopoShaperAlgo.rb: 418 -- top_processing
TopoShaperTool.rb: 575 -- algo_processing
TopoShaperTool.rb: 667 -- execute_validate
TopoShaperPalette.rb: 130 -- execute_from_palette
TopoShaperPalette.rb: 76 -- notify_from_palette
TopoShaperPalette.rb: 518 -- call
TopoShaperPalette.rb: 518 -- block (2 levels) in palette_validate
body_Lib6Palette.rb: 3058 -- call
body_Lib6Palette.rb: 3058 -- execute_button
body_Lib6Palette.rb: 2865 -- onLButtonUp
Lib6Palette.rb: 93 -- onLButtonUp
TopoShaperTool.rb: 985 -- onLButtonUp
The model is quite complex and would normally require a lot of clean up
- contours do not need to be that close in altitude (since it is the quad mesh resolution that detremines the precision)
- there are a number of ill contours, that cross others. This also should be fixed.
In general, do not expect to run TopoShaper right away on a model 'out of the box' without looking at the contours and fixing the most obvious visual issues
I had to make a few changes in TopoShaper and in your model in order to be able to generate the terrain.
As the file is still big (5 Mb, I cannot post it here). So, please PM me an email address and I'll do it.
In parallel, I will republish TopoShaper.
But again, please cleanup your contours beforehand. If you do so, it may even run with the current version of TopoShaper.
- Remove the crossing contours (there are a few)
- once you can generate the preview, look at the Red junctions and refuse those which are abnormal
- you can also exclude weird contours if you wish
- Use the 'Save and Reload Contours' to update your model, so that you've done the changes once and the correct enveloppe is recalculated.
Thank you so much Fredo. I will definitely from now on clean up all of my contours before running it. It was a hurry project so I didnt spend enough time on the grading. I was only given a few hours to grade out the entire site. I am not able to send messages yet on here so I will give you my email now and delete it once I receive your message. trevor @ stackrockgroup . com
Thank you so much for the response. I sure love how active and responsive the forums are with sketchup. It has to be the best out there.
Fredo don't ask for it, but you can always donate via Paypal, you will find a link in the plugin menu structure...
Hello, I am trying to create a mesh for my current project and it keeps giving me the pink ruby error window. Just wondering if there is something that I can change to allow it to work successfully.
The error says
Date: 28-Jun-20 23:07:03
An error occurred in CLEANSING
The operation is fully abortedundefined local variable or method `colors_init' for #<F6_TopoShaper::TopoShaperCleanser:0x0000023f501784a0>
toposhapercleanser.rbe: 84 -- initialize
toposhapertool.rbe: 541 -- new
toposhapertool.rbe: 541 -- cleansing_processing
toposhapertool.rbe: 523 -- after_selection
toposhapertool.rbe: 493 -- notify_edge_picked
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe: 539 -- call
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe: 539 -- notify_action
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe: 595 -- terminate_current_selection
toposhapertool.rbe: 658 -- execute_validate
toposhapertool.rbe: 387 -- handle_initial_selection
toposhapertool.rbe: 319 -- activate
toposhapertool.rbe: 133 -- select_tool
toposhapertool.rbe: 133 -- action__mapping
lib6plugin.rbe: 126 -- call
lib6plugin.rbe: 126 -- launch_action
lib6plugin.rbe: 224 -- launch_action
bootstrap_toposhaper.rbe: 82 -- launch_action
bootstrap_toposhaper.rbe: 135 -- block in startup
lib6plugin.rbe: 1324 -- command_invoke
lib6plugin.rbe: 1306 -- block (2 levels) in build_config_commands
lib6traductor.rbe: 1372 -- block in add_command -
@aguadodaniel said:
Hello, I am trying to create a mesh for my current project and it keeps giving me the pink ruby error window. Just wondering if there is something that I can change to allow it to work successfully.
It may help to post or send me the corresponding model so that I can relate the errors to the geometry.
Many thanks
That'll be great, what's your email?
Hello friends
I had a problem using toposhaper
And I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what the problem was,
There is a report text document from toposhaper attached for explanation
@student moshe said:
Hello friends
I had a problem using toposhaper
And I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what the problem was,
There is a report text document from toposhaper attached for explanation
ThanksThere is a problem in relation with layers in your model. If you could attach the skp file, it would help.
Hello friends
I had a problem using toposhaper
And I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what the problem was,
There is a report text document from toposhaper attached for explanation and 1 attached file dwg
Ruby Error - CALCULATING TERRAINS - 19-Dec-22 14_55_41.txt
Hello friends
I had a problem using toposhaper
And I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what the problem was,
There is a report text document from toposhaper attached for explanation and i attached file dwg
Ruby Error - CALCULATING TERRAINS - 19-Dec-22 14_55_41.txt
Hello friends
I had a problem using toposhaper
And I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what the problem was,
There is a report text document from toposhaper attached for explanation
@suprabari said:
I had a problem using toposhaper...
What version of SketchUp are you using? There is no 2021 Free/Make version as you indicate in your profile.
Can you share the .skp file so we can see how you have the model set up?
@dave r said:
@suprabari said:
I had a problem using toposhaper...
What version of SketchUp are you using? There is no 2021 Free/Make version as you indicate in your profile.
Can you share the .skp file so we can see how you have the model set up?
My version of Sketchup is 2021, i use .dwg file. Here is my file.
I have another .dwg file and it is running normal, but this .dwg cant
TopoShaper is a software tool that is used to create three-dimensional models of terrain from digital elevation data. It is designed to work with large datasets and can handle terrain models with millions of points. However, the maximum size of a model that TopoShaper can complete depends on several factors, including the amount of available memory on the computer being used to run the software and the complexity of the terrain being modeled. In general, the larger the dataset, the more memory and processing power will be required to complete the model. If the computer being used does not have enough resources to handle the size of the dataset, the model may not be able to be completed. It is always a good idea to make sure that the computer being used has sufficient resources to handle the size of the dataset being processed. Additionally, the complexity of the terrain being modeled can also affect the maximum size of a model that TopoShaper can complete. If the terrain is very complex with a large number of features, it may require more resources to generate an accurate model. In such cases, it may be necessary to use a more powerful computer or to break the dataset into smaller pieces and process them separately in order to complete the model.
Estou com o seguinte erro
Date: 17-Oct-23 14:21:14
An error occurred in CLEANSING
The operation is fully abortedcannot hide layer that is a part of the active path
body_lib6tool.rbe: 2538 -- visible=
body_lib6tool.rbe: 2538 -- block in switch_to_temp_layer
body_lib6tool.rbe: 2537 -- each
body_lib6tool.rbe: 2537 -- switch_to_temp_layer
toposhapertool.rbe: 1391 -- change_view
toposhapertool.rbe: 1358 -- set_preview_working
toposhapertool.rbe: 544 -- cleansing_processing
toposhapertool.rbe: 523 -- after_selection
toposhapertool.rbe: 493 -- notify_edge_picked
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe: 539 -- call
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe: 539 -- notify_action
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe: 582 -- terminate_current_selection
toposhapertool.rbe: 658 -- execute_validate
toposhapertool.rbe: 387 -- handle_initial_selection
toposhapertool.rbe: 319 -- activate
toposhapertool.rbe: 133 -- select_tool
toposhapertool.rbe: 133 -- action__mapping
data6.rb: 65 -- call
data6.rb: 65 -- launch_action
lib6plugin.rbe: 240 -- launch_action
bootstrap_toposhaper.rbe: 83 -- launch_action
bootstrap_toposhaper.rbe: 149 -- block in startup
lib6plugin.rbe: 1469 -- command_invoke
lib6plugin.rbe: 1449 -- block (2 levels) in build_config_commands
lib6traductor.rbe: 1387 -- block in add_command
Olá, estou com o seguinte erro.
Deu certo uma vez, apareceu a malha e tudo, más não gerou o terreno.
Mapeamento feito por drone, e feito limpeza manual aqui no sketchup.Más não consigo, sempre aparece o erro
Date: 17-Oct-23 14:21:14
An error occurred in CLEANSING
The operation is fully abortedcannot hide layer that is a part of the active path
body_lib6tool.rbe: 2538 -- visible=
body_lib6tool.rbe: 2538 -- block in switch_to_temp_layer
body_lib6tool.rbe: 2537 -- each
body_lib6tool.rbe: 2537 -- switch_to_temp_layer
toposhapertool.rbe: 1391 -- change_view
toposhapertool.rbe: 1358 -- set_preview_working
toposhapertool.rbe: 544 -- cleansing_processing
toposhapertool.rbe: 523 -- after_selection
toposhapertool.rbe: 493 -- notify_edge_picked
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe: 539 -- call
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe: 539 -- notify_action
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe: 582 -- terminate_current_selection
toposhapertool.rbe: 658 -- execute_validate
toposhapertool.rbe: 387 -- handle_initial_selection
toposhapertool.rbe: 319 -- activate
toposhapertool.rbe: 133 -- select_tool
toposhapertool.rbe: 133 -- action__mapping
data6.rb: 65 -- call
data6.rb: 65 -- launch_action
lib6plugin.rbe: 240 -- launch_action
bootstrap_toposhaper.rbe: 83 -- launch_action
bootstrap_toposhaper.rbe: 149 -- block in startup
lib6plugin.rbe: 1469 -- command_invoke
lib6plugin.rbe: 1449 -- block (2 levels) in build_config_commands
lib6traductor.rbe: 1387 -- block in add_command