[Plugin][$] FredoCorner - v2.7a - 31 Mar 24
The information on FredoCorner is maintained on the Plugin Home Page of FredoCorner . This is also where you can download the RBZ file.
LibFredo6: v14.3b or above
Sketchucation ExtensionStore: v4.4.0 or above (for licensing)
Sketchup version: SU2017 and above
Platform: Windows and Mac OSX
Usage: Licensed under Sketchucation SCFLicense
Free Trial period (full features): 15 days from activation
Perpetual license (3 seats): $30 (~28€)
Rush license (3 seats, valid 21 days from purchase date): $8 (~7€)
To purchase the license of FredoCorner, go to this page and sign in.
If you land on this page and are unfamiliar with how to install Sketchup Extensions such as LibFredo6 or how to register on Sketchucation, please watch this video or refer to the Plugin page of LibFredo6 .
FredoCorner performs the filleting of edges and corners of 3D shapes, in 4 modes: Round, Bevel, Subdivision Mesh and Chop Corner. FredoCorner also includes a Repair tool to undo any generated shape rounding.
FredoCorner does not replace the old RoundCorner extension, which will remain supported. The reason is that FredoCorner will become a paid plugin (with a trial version) after a 2-3 month free period.
FredoCorner is based on a different algorithm and includes additional features, in particular
- Handle more complex shapes, with triangulation at vertices
- New Tool: Subdivision mesh
- New Tool: Chop Corner
- New Tool: Repair / Undo / Redo
- Preview mode
- Asymmetrical offset
- Variable offset along borders
- Works across boundaries of groups and Components
- Corners are symmetrical
- Editable corner profiles with Squircles and Bezier
- More types of corner geometries are supported
- Choice of Offset mode: Offset or Radius
Here is the long video (with bookmarks) presenting the main features of FredoCorner, versus RoundCorner.
Here is a short video by Aaron, member of the Sketchup team. It gives an overview of the main functions.
Here is a shorter and older video, just giving a quick preview about the rounding of triangulated shapes.
There are also two good introduction videos by TheSketchupEssentials (Justin Geist)
A video giving an overview of the Chop Corner tool
A video presenting the user interface
Oh wow. Fantastic work, Fredo! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you Fredo....saw the video, as always, you managed to increase the sketchup power yet again.
This is simply stunning work. What a herculean effort by Fredo.
I know of no other bevel/fillet/chamfer tool that can do all of this, outside NURBS based solids modelers. My thoughts in no particular order:
- SQUIRCLEThis geometry has been known for quite a while in the Industrial Design profession. It has to do with creating a soft continuity between normals as the surface moves around a corner. In CAD is it typically referred to as G2 or G3 continuity setting. The result of using squircles is you don't get strong highlight artifacts at the borders between flat surfaces and the beginning of a bevel. It turns out NURBS are used to create it, and SubDivision surfaces are based on such continuous geometry. I don't know of any other bevelling tools in poly modelers that can do this without having to approximated with SubD geometry. Great work!
- UNDO/REDO Wow, the beginnings of parametric modifiers in major SketchUp tools. Modifiers are extremely powerful and capable design tools, allowing users to change designs long after the fact. Nice job!
- WORKS WITH JUST ABOUT ANY GEOMETRY This is something I've been looking for awhile now. Too many times has SU been limited for me to create industrial designs based on the lack of a really robust bevelling toolkit. This fixes all of that!
- SUBDIVISION FILLET GENERATOR Clearly this is a byproduct of the tool, as Fredo had to innovate and take a total different direction to solve many of the filleting issues. This is a truly unique feature and not one I believe is represented anywhere else in the world. Just amazing!
Wishlist: (can't help myself)
It would be reallynice for a group or component to remember their bevel setting even after an edit. IOW, FredoCorner would become a true modifier, and attempt to apply the bevel at the group level after the group or component has been edited.
Side note: I've been working a lot lately in Blender, and I use their modifiers now all the time in modeling. It really helps the design process because I can go back and forth quickly. I'll share more in a different thread.
Thanks very much Fredo for a magnificent tool!
PS I heard from the Blender bevel tool developer after one of my videos, and he told me YOU inspired him as he began work on the Blender bevel tool
Fredo this is divine beauty! Lots of Blender evangelism videos will get obsolete
1.Keeping fingers crossed, Will 'inverse profile' mode work with edges that lay on flat areas? Essentially it would mean so long awaited Groove maker.
2. Maybe in 'inverse profile' mode it'd be possible to get a П-shape as well? -
Wow, wow wow!!! Thank you soo much for this. I'm soo exited.
Fredo the return!
No Beta test period ? -
A really nice improvement! Thank you so much for this new extension!
Unbelivable tool!
thanks a lot!
Consider me baffled.
Thanks alot for the videos.
Edit: the preview mode is great!
This is awesome! Thank you!!
Rounding complex geometry will be so much easier!About the Undo/Repair option, what happens to a geometry that has been modified after the rounding?
Will the "undone geometry" be discarded or will it restore to the original geometry, discarding the modifications in the meantime?
I +1 the wish from chippwalters to have a component "remember" its rounding parameters (one can never get enough)
Thank you again!
@damj said:
About the Undo/Repair option, what happens to a geometry that has been modified after the rounding?
Will the "undone geometry" be discarded or will it restore to the original geometry, discarding the modifications in the meantime?
I +1 the wish from chippwalters to have a component "remember" its rounding parameters (one can never get enough)
Thank you again!
It's not like if Sketchup had a full parametric framework! Actualy, there is absolutely nothing.
Once a shape is rounded, that would be fine to move it, scale it, etc... as long as this is based on regular transformation. Repair will work and keep the transformation.
However, if modify the shape, Repair will re-establish the original shape at it was when you did the Rounding. So your changes will be lost, including material painting and edge properties.
I take the idea of the Modifier, which was my initial goal, but is more complex to do.
So consider Repair as a safety net at the moment.
That's stunning work! Congrats
Did you consider having a simpler toggle button like SubD's, instead of the undo/repair?
Wow, thank you Fredo!
Oh BOY!!!!!! Thank you for this!
Can't wait to try it!
Fredo does it again !
Thanks to all for your encouragements.
One thing I forgot to mention (it's now done in the main post) is that FredoCorner will become a paid plugin after a 2-3 months beta period. It will also only support SU2016 and above. RoundCorner will continue to exist and be supported as a free plugin.
And so it should, you need to be paid for your excellent work.