Sketchup 2018 - Retaining Workspace Problems
Just checking, this isn't the same as what I asked.
'I have installed SU 2018 with User Admin option.' -
Thanks for checking
On a PC if you don't install SketchUp [or any app] properly you can get weird unpredictable issues...
For the avoidance of doubt...
Having Admin powers or being signed in as the Admin is NOT adequate.
Your answer is not clear.The ONLY correct way is as follows...
Close SketchUp.
Find the installer's exe file - probably in your Downloads folder ?
If you cannot find it, then download it again...Select the installer's exe file's icon.
Right-click > Context-menu >
"Run as administrator"If prompted to, you must choose "Repair".
This will set up SketchUp properly.
Note that if it's a fresh installation choose to "Install"...
Restart SketchUp and see if things are better ??
Many Thanks for your response Tig but I have done all those things
Many Thanks all for your responses, they were very helpful.
I finally managed to rectify problem by uninstalling again and manually deleting all content before installing with administration rights.
The Vray 3.6 tool bars are still not playing nice though. I cannot get them to dock in a permeant position.
Thanks again
@boothy said:
I finally managed to rectify problem by uninstalling again and manually deleting all content before installing with administration rights.
Did you log in with admin rights or did you right click on the installer and use Run as administrator? They are very different things and only the second one results in correct installation.
Hi Dave
No I only ran as administrator rather than logging so I will try. Having said that I think Vray may be the culprit, without it installed everything works fine. When I install Vray plugin it seems to pause app initialisation for a moment. Certainly every plugin installed after Vray does not stay put whereas everything before Vray installation is OK.
Edit:17_11_17 - Just checked I was already logged in as administrator when installing.
Does disabling Vray change this behavior?
You should log into your computer as you normally do. If you are normally not logged in as the administrator, don't do it for installing SketchUp. Just use Run as administrator from the installer's context menu
I have exactly the same problem as Boothy has: toolbars do not stay in position .
Add me to the list.
extension toolbars will not stay put and custom trays disappear when sketchup is closed and opened again.logged in as always and installed as administrator
pcorrection...Toolbars are now staying put.
only thing i did that i had not done before was open a model, work on it and save it. This was the First save in 2018.
I will now recreate the lost custom trays, save the model, close, and reopen to see if they will now stay put as well.
Yup, that did it. My mistake was to add all the extensions and make my custom trays in a untitled new file the first time i started 2018 and then just closed it. I did not realize that those system settings were actually tied to the file you have open and will not be retained unless you save the file....seems obvious now that I say it outloud...
In mac we don't have these problems. Toolbars have always sucked.
The problem seems to be a persistent bug. I have had the issue on both Windows 7 and 10 machines now. Seems to be inconsistent which toolbars are doing it. Reset workspace is preferences does nothing... something seems broken.
Had done clean uninstall as well as admin install. Uninstall all plugins. However, the settings still did not stick. If I just keep changing the settings, it seemed that it will eventually stick, but it was at least 1 or 2 tries before it did.
One thing I have noticed is that "SketchUp Application" can run even after closing SketchUp. You can confirm that behavior in the "task manager".
I do not know what is causing the application to hang even after closing, but I suppose user preferences are being saved at that point, and if you open another instance of SketchUp, you just won't see the settings saved.
For the times I have seen it hang and run on task manager, I have waited for it to close, then opened SketchUp, settings were stuck.
Hope this is at the least useful for some other users.
SU 2018 is just a problem and I have removed it.
Maybe the next upd will work more properly.
2017 is good enough to stay with until a more stable version is ready.
dtr -
After going through the reinstall suggested by several on this thread I have to say that 2018 is running fine for me. In fact, here are some improvements I am seeing:
- 2018 is loading much faster than 2017 and faster since doing the reinstall with the right-click "Run as Administrator" method.
- I am finding that orbiting a complex model has much better performance than I saw with 2017. I no longer get the lag in performance.
- I am seeing my models transfer to LayOut much faster than previous versions.
- In 2017 I started seeing a degradation in dimension lines and text when viewing the model in LayOut. That seems to be fixed in 2018.
Now for a silly question: Why does using the context menu to Run as Administrator generate a difference in the installation process versus just running the install when I am logged in with administrator privilege? Yes, I have verified that it does. I just would like some understanding of why. Is this true for all other software as well?
The complex privileges granted by using "Run as administrator" are higher than those which you get when you "Run" the installer when you are a normal 'user' with admin-powers, or are actually the administrator [not recommended].
Dan Rathbun did do a detailed explanation a few months ago [which I can't find].
He might chip in with a technical explanation...
Suffice it to say that when installing ANY app from its installer's exe file in the newer versions of Windows, then the only safe way is to use "Run as administrator"...There is some bad advice on certain SketchUp help-pages regarding installation 'as admin'.
The pages suggesting "Run as administrator" are the right way to do it.The weird issues that an incorrect installation can throw up are unpredictable...
So it's just best to just avoid them in the first place... -
Thanks for the feedback TIG. I will follow that "rule" from now on with all software.
same issue here. anyone reported this to Trimble?
I am having huge problems w 2018. Crashes, lag, performance, Vray crashes and this toolbar thing. I have reported multiple times, sent bug reports, and spoke with them directly. Better wait for a M1 release if you haven't committed to it yet.