SubD examples and models
@alvis said:
original post
Are you using a different viewer than Box? I see on his embedded model one could toggle the wireframe.
@evosoft said:
@cotty said:
[attachment=2:te9k9s0h]<!-- ia2 -->SCF_Cotty_subd29.png<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:te9k9s0h]
I'm working on a tool to convert quad SUbD files into solids using another app. I've been having bit of fun testing the files posted to this thread. SCF_Cotty_subd29 was an intriguing one with its complexity. Attached is a STEP file of the resulting NURB shelled and split.
I am very intrigued about this project! Keep us posted.
@thomthom said:
@alvis said:
original post
Are you using a different viewer than Box? I see on his embedded model one could toggle the wireframe.
I was using an older version there than Alvis and he may have disabled the Wires button.
See if it works for you on this one.
[edg3d:1g8jlxm8]PvRRU2aDAeN7G3k[/edg3d:1g8jlxm8] -
I figured if you make a manifold you'll be needing an air intake to go with it.
Something tells me if you had this thrusting through the bonnet/hood of your car you would be seriously compensating for something.
The very funny Protrude by Jim Foltz
Random colors prototype by a famous ruby coder!
Render : the free cool Visualizer
Here Gradiendator by Steve Richey
@ely862me said:
Some Flowify and we got some great wheels!!?
Great job!!
Just one Q:
You use crease on rims? -
Getting into the good habit of doing it in quads. Now I have better appreciation of QFT, Vertex tools and slowly unlearning the ngon habit. sometimes, bit of frustration... but getting there. Here's Roca Urbi wash basin which i used in a recent project.
Nice, simple model up there !!!
@nlipovac said:
Just one Q:
You use crease on rims?Yes, whenever I want the edge sharp. And even if you want it a bit rounded you can use Crease but you need to bump the number of subdivisions to get it nicely rounded. In that case you will consider adding another loop to control the roundness.
It's great how this can be used to generate a proxy and an high poly model by just generating the proxy.
It would be cool to have render engines integrated in the workflow maybe Tomasz could be interested and I'll poke him!
@jql said:
It would be cool to have render engines integrated in the workflow
This is already in the pipes!
@jql said:
It would be cool to have render engines integrated in the workflow maybe Tomasz could be interested and I'll poke him!
There are talks going on with various render engines to allow for them to render high-poly variants from the low-polys.
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
@jql said:
It would be cool to have render engines integrated in the workflow
This is already in the pipes!
Bah Jiminy, you're always ahead of my cool ideas...
I bet your SDK for integrating render engines as with skatter is in use or you wouldn't know zip about that!
@thomthom said:
There are talks going on with various render engines to allow for them to render high-poly variants from the low-polys.
I should have also guessed you'd be into that. After all your background has to do with rendering!
I'm sorry to be minding your business when I haven't even tried SubD yet. I have no time in my hands, my head has been swinging between architecture and sky!
Glad to see this off and running. No subD modelling has been such a huge deficiency for Sketchup for so many years now. Way to go thomthom!
@thomthom said:
There are talks going on with various render engines to allow for them to render high-poly variants from the low-polys.
It is a modifier in vray for max. A real cool one.
If this can be integrated in SubD...That would be a great great addition. Imagine how much file size we could save.
The above wash basin model for example
[highlight=#ffff40:vijj6b6u]low poly model = 122KB
+1 iteration = 1300 kb
+2 iteration = 4221 kb
+3 iteration = 15,704 kb[/highlight:vijj6b6u]Ohh...This may be a start of SubD wishlist!
It is a bit of a time consumer, but you get smoother surfaces.
@ely862me said:
It is a bit of a time consumer, but you get smoother surfaces.
That's the whole point of modeling-"Perfect Models" . It gives some sense of satisfaction. Ive always been wondering how Ely will use Subd in his car models, or Alvis in his upholstered furniture.
Great stuff there Ely!
Here's a try on my fave pair of shoe. (WIP)
Thanks !
Lovely shoes !
As with Artisan, adding two lines makes is rounder adding three lines makes it sharper and also rounder.
The crease tool is gorgeous, especially that is editable while the surfaces is subdivided, but at low subdivisions it will never offer you the roundness of the adding detail.
In the futures, if possible, Thomas would you add more geometry along the lines Crease is activated ?