SketchUcation 3D Viewer (formerly the '[ignore]' thread)
Conductor is missing on the top view!
Specular Tests with various lighting settings
Mixed specular materials
Cool stuff, Rich.
That last one loaded faster for me than any of the others have over the last few days.
Here's one as a colour test.
Compared to the look of it in SU directly it is quite flat.
Certainly a very hand tool.
[sw:d92pbvyj]C879twdkomuSZmh[/sw:d92pbvyj] -
Box I really like your last one. However, when it first loads (after clicking it) it is all black until I click the screen and then it appears. The background also disappears.
@Rich - I think this is really headed in a good direction.......
play with the transparency and spec of the glass. mix with lights making sure the total light is 100 or less
don't add hemi at 100 + spot at 100 etc...
set the hemi to lightblue and light yellow at 60.
set spec/shiness for material to 20 and the opacity to 60 or so
Rich, I really like this one too. I like the color highlighting and the background.
After it loads I see kind of a dark monochrome of the 3d model until I rotate it or do something like that. I am using IE 11. Does that have something to do with it or is that supposed to happen?
I will go try it in Chrome and see if I see the same thing......
OK - I tried it in Chrome and saw the same thing......
Rich yeah I see there are lots of possibilities to edit the lighting and such, had a bit of a fiddle but have to be elsewhere now.
Dave, the lights come on when you move it, hence the black until you do.
And the background changes because what you are seeing is a still snapshot from the model, then you see the viewer background.They are settings within the viewer that we are testing.
@ntxdave said:
Are you guys using a renderer or what the heck are you talking about (remember that I still consider myself a newbie to SU so I am trying to learn all I can)?
Yes, the viewer is a sort-of "real-time renderer" using the capabilities of WebGL. Of course it has far less sophisticated settings than the professional not real-time rendering software like Thea or V-Ray but still has some simple setting options for materials, lights, etc.
BTW now it has the "fullscreen" option enabled (cross arrows).
(If new functions like the fullscreen do not work, simply erase browser cache to let the new javascript load.)
Full-screen X works - opens a new tab.
So no need to press Esc to back step ? -
@tig said:
Full-screen X works - opens a new tab.
So no need to press Esc to back step ?Thank you for the info. Well..... This "fullscreen" might need some refining.... Right now this was the easiest way to go to "fullscreen" from within an Iframe but later it might change to a more fancy solution.
have you uploaded from your mac at all?
john -
@gábor said:
@tig said:
Full-screen X works - opens a new tab.
So no need to press Esc to back step ?Thank you for the info. Well..... This "fullscreen" might need some refining.... Right now this was the easiest way to go to "fullscreen" from within an Iframe but later it might change to a more fancy solution.
Yes, this worked for me. However, I do see something a little different. With all of the others that I have viewed I could do some amount of zooming with the scroll wheel on my mouse but with the full screen view that function is limited. I could only zoom out and could not zoom in.
I love following this thread as it is exciting to see where this is going. This is something I am trying to sell to our management instead of presenting everything to their clients in a PDF format. Their primary concern is one of cost (primarily in the time it would take me to take our models and make them available like this).
Also think that tool tips for the function icons would be a big help for many users (especially once you start publishing/sharing the models).