Question about thumbnails
Hey all- I'm sorry if this has already been covered, but I thought I read that the thumbnail issue in 2015 has been resolved. I can see thumbnails if I open my sketchup file directory directly from "My Documents". However, if I'm opening files from within sketchup "File/open...etc" all I get are blanks. See the attachment.
Am I missing something?
That's odd. When I use File>Open I get the thumbnail images just as when I go into Windows Explorer. What happens if you change View in the View menu of the Open window?
Hey Dave- Thanks for the input. Nope, I tried various options, doesn't change. Wonder if there's a setting somewhere for setting thumbnails? Do I remember hearing about a setting within Sketchup for saving thumbnails or something like that?
As always, thanks for your help,
Michael -
There is a setting in model info to save thumbnails... I suppose if it had never been on before you would not get a thumbnail... Maybe...
No luck there either (Under Model Info/File there is "redefine thumbnail" but it's checked) Curious and a bit annoying.
64-bit or 32-bit?
Would it help if I just make a screen shot of my thumbnails and you can look at them instead?
I'm not familiar with that menu. Where is it?
those are options related to Mystic Thumbs and not part of the Windows OS
@rich o brien said:
those are options related to Mystic Thumbs and not part of the Windows OS
Yeah, I knew it was Mystic Thumbs, just thought I would throw it out there FWIW
oh, gotcha. I have regular non-mystic thumbs. Boring, but they've served me well
Here's another possible clue. If in the file menu, I click "show all files" instead of just "skp" files, the few backup files ("skB),show their thumbnails. So the SKB files have thumbnails, but the regular SKP do not. That seems weird.
One more thing- I've noticed that the same issue applies to PDF files on my computer. I used to see thumbnails of those files, now I just see a big "PDF" logo. I imagine this must be some Windows or Explorer setting. Anyone familiar with the behind-the-scenes workings to give me a heads up?
What exact OS are you on? What bit? I take it 64bit... Is it an upgrade or a full install. If you're having issues with seeing thumbnails on multiple programs I would say it's not SU related. Have you tried running windows installer again and giving windows a fresh start on system files?
When is the last time you saw thumbnails? was it recently? what have you installed in the meantime?
On a 64bit PC with SketchUp v2015 Pro the Registry entry:
Should have the Default value of:
Which in turn is a reference to SketchUp'sThumbsUp.dll
[the one in the Layout folder, NOT the SketchUp folder!]...
You can copy that 'value' in full from the .skb entry !
I found on mine it was set incorrectly.
I changed it as set uout above and now the thumbnails appear for SKP files...
Edit the Registry with Run >regedit
at your own risk !!! -
Tig, yours was set incorrectly during factory install? Or it just happened somehow?
@krisidious said:
Tig, yours was set incorrectly during factory install? Or it just happened somehow?
It was just wrong 'somehow'.
I did NOT initially get any thumbnails in v2015 64bit, but that Registry tweak fixed it.
Obviously, I had not previously been getting thumbnails in 32bit v2014 on the 64 bit PC as they are not compatible...
If I recall that Registry entry was either not set up with any 'value', or perhaps it was referring to a wrong 'value' - I can't recall - anyway, it now works !
It's odd that the ThumbsUp.dll path that is referred to in the convolutions of the Registry is to the one in the Layout folder rather than then one in the SketchUp folder - but I see it's the same in v2014 too...
What values do you get for that Registry entry?
I think they are common across 64bt PCs... -
But, I bet you were Beta huh? you could have had an old install of 2015 put something funky in.
I'll check mine.
Currently, I have large thumbs for any newly saved files, but all small thumbs for older files. Need a batch program to update all the thumbs.
2015M1 is out in the download area - a poor-do by Trimble who have failed to announce it for three days !
Does yourSketchUp.ShellExtension
point to the logicalThumbsUp.dll
or the Layout one ?