Flipping Crazy
RE: "I wouldn't ever make the same bolt or screw more than once". I agree, neither would I.
I use different bolts/nut components for different projects, but never recreate them from scratch each time.
I keep a collection of them for my wood working projects and import them as needed.
Ideally, I would like to be able to buy a plugin that would allow me to pick a bolt/nut assembly from a library (much like Autodesk Inventor) then with once click, place it where I want and with the correct axis orientation. After that, all should need to do is 'nudge' the component up/down the z-axis and/or push/pull the bolt to specs.
So far, I haven't found such a plugin and have had to resort to a manual process
When you work with a multi-hinged project, doing this manually is very time consuming.
@unknownuser said:
Are you keeping bolts the plugin creates for later use? Or are you just making them as you need them?
Dave R
The plug in keeps bolts of the same size Dia./length and they are added to the entity count/COMPONENTS in the model.
If you flip the axes the next time that you use the same bolt........
Dave R,
Great tip...I'll do just that and see what happens. It might be just as simple as what you say
@TECHDAVE, I was referring to keeping components for future use in other models, not just the current one. You seem to be referring to the current model only.
Bob, what tip is the "great tip"?
Why don't you make the 'SKP library of bolt components' and sell it to others ?
Dave R
I understood that but if you are using BoltMaker over and over in the same model that is the result.
The points that you make are all valid and I agree wholeheartedly with you and tig on all counts but if at this point BoltMaker is used then the workaround must consider this. -
Sorry for the fuzzy answer: I was referring to a library of components I keep for all of my models
A little image before / after for explain the problem ?
This plugin by SDmitch don't resolve your trouble ?
I love this plugin from SDmitch, but it does unconventional things to the axis of the bolts it produces, causing a lot of axis alignment issues for me. I posted my issues in the Newbie Forum, see subject 'Flipping Crazy' for all of the screenshots.
I always don't understand all that!
As said previous in another thread
Seems the axe tools by Thomthom who give an axe to any objet
Then the replace component by Sdmitch Source / Target
makes that you want!
With that you have nothing to do!
No click for give orientation
What do you want more simple ? -
It's ok...I'm going to put this problem to bed. Thanks to all for your input
Only with Axes tool by Thomthom + Replace random component by Sdmitch!
(with only one component as source)
At the end just select all the ("component of 2 components" very easy with the Outliner)and explode them if you want refind the 2 original separated components!
And if you want a "resize on the Target"
use the special Replace random component file linked always by Sdmitch !
Very easy, very speedy and nothing to do!
Very cool
It's also very kind of you to share this. Thank you
Just a little thing that I have forgotten to write!
Between each call of the random replace component you must erase inside the Info Box all the Words Source and Target! (use again the Outliner for an easy selection)
If not the plug will not work in some cases! -
Since you put a lot of extra effort into this problem, I'm going to as well. First however, I have to be certain nothing is getting misunderstood by either of us.
I'll begin by asking you to use the BoltMaker XII plugin and (using the model I provided), try the following steps:
1 - open the file I've attached. It contains: a component (a block) with a bolt in it created using BoltMaker XII and a 'Source' component made by me.
2 - From the Window/Entity Info dialog box, confirm that the 'Source' bolt I created is a component. Double-click on the 'Source' component, you'll see that it's z-axis is pointing up (standard convention).
3 - From the Window/Entity Info dialog box, confirm that the bolt created by BoltMaker XII is a component. Double-click it and examine its axis. You'll find that the z-axis is pointing down. This is not standard practice as a new component should have the z-axis pointing up.
4 - Now run SDMitch's ComponentReplacement plugin against the 'Source' and 'Target' components.
What you should see is that the 'Source' component replaces the 'Target' component at a location and orientation you wouldn't expect.
Try this and let me know what you find. If you have a procedure I can follow that results in a properly oriented target replacement ( using the model I provided) ...I'll be ecstatic
Warm regards
FINALLY...after listening to all of your ideas, I derived a solution based largely on your comments and it worked perfectly. When it happened, it was one of those cathartic moments.
The solution was mainly to forget all about trying to 'replace' a BoltMaker XII bolt with mine and instead, figure out how to 'insert' my custom bolt exactly where I wanted it in another component.
Steps followed:
1 - Selected my custom bolt component (the source).
2 - Using ThomThom's Axis tool, set the insertion point of the custom bolt x-y-z axis to 'center'
3 - Selected the Box component (the Target).
4 - Using ThomThoms Guide Tools plugin, set the Target's bounding box's cPoint at bound center.
5 - Click on the 'Source' component then CTRL-click on the 'Target' component.
6 - Using ThomThom's Guide Tools plugin, select Insert Component at cPoints.voila, the custom bolt is inserted in the block at the precise location I want.
THANK YOU ALL for your input
It appears you've got a process you're happy with. That's cool.
So you don't use a replacement mehod
Yes ...but how do you make when you have a little hundred of bolts in any orientation to change ?PS For me its' save as V6 or V7 for read the files
Hi Dave...
Forgive me if I already asked you, but could you remind me of the 'fewer' steps you use
I've had so much correspondence around this topic with so many people on different forums, I've lost track
Re "So you don't use a replacement method". Sorry to say, but I was going about this all wrong. I was using BoltMaker as a way to automatically create a bolt that would resize itself according to the dimensions of the target. I thought that by simply replacing the BoltMaker bolt with mine that it would be very easy to do. Sadly, I was wrong.
I do thank you for your efforts.