[Plugin] AutoSmooth
Saying that though, I'm currently recreating Move, Rotate and Scale for BezierSurface. Might spawn them off as a separate thing at some point.
@unknownuser said:
I'm afraid no. I don't understand what happens there and what are you expecting?
Happen nothing special: it's correct Plugin function
Expecting nothing special : Maybe I don't understand the "smooth" in general?
Does it allow to see a perfect volume in hidde some edges
Does it allow to see a perfect volume in hidde some edges even some faces are not coplanar
... -
Volumes? Are you thinking of solids? This plugin isn't related to solids - it works on any geometry.
@unknownuser said:
Expecting nothing special : Maybe I don't understand the "smooth" in general?
You know when you modify some geometry and SketchUp triangulates the face because it's not planar any more? This plugin makes these edges Soft+Smooth - like when you Ctrl+Erase, or enable the Soft and Smooth checkboxes in the Entity Info.
I'm afraid I still do not understand what you are asking...
I think Pilou thinks that if you move a point to make a non planar face that the resulting skin will be correct. As in a type of make planar but Pilouified
This tool does not smooth a face it smooths the harsh edge that the default move tool creates.
Sent from my iPad
@unknownuser said:
This plugin makes these edges Soft+Smooth - like when you Ctrl+Erase, or enable the Soft and Smooth checkboxes in the Entity Info.
This tool does not smooth a face it smooths the harsh edge that the default move tool creates.
Ok we are agree!
My image above show the same! -
Right, yes, this plugin doesn't make a face planar.
@rich o brien said:
now if someone could write an exporter to obj that picked up these pseudo-quads and exported as a quad it'd be pretty sweet.
Rich, does the OBJ format support non-planar quads?
Are you trying to exchange data between SketchUp and Blender?
@thomthom said:
Rich, does the OBJ format support non-planar quads?
Yes. But Blender will export a nonplanar quad as 4 tris, well that's how SU imports a untriangulated blender .obj export.
@thomthom said:
Are you trying to exchange data between SketchUp and Blender?
Not just Blender. Most apps I use exchange nonplanar obj quads
Four triangles?
Can Blender import this mesh and the quads are restored as quads - or are they now triangles?
And you provide a small sample OBJ file?
I could write an export utility into QuadFace Tools. -
What you want?
Blender .obj export
SU .obj import saved as .skp?
OBJ file from Blender with non-planar quads. I'd like to see how Blender generates them.
I would be interested as well, simply because I am not so sure that it does such a thing.
It does - Blender exports non-planar quads.
I already got an exporter in the making.
I notice that if I have the move tool selected and then activate auto-smooth it fails to smooth.
You may have mentioned that in the video but I missed it...
Ah. That world be a bug. As I always tap Space and activates the Select tool, so I didn't test the scenario of having one of Move, Rotate or Scale already activated.
copying a mesh with CTRL+Move will make the mesh edges soft/smooth as in this .gif....
Doh! Hmm... that's be tricky to catch...
not work with TGI Move
not work tgi move any advice?
Can you be a bit more specific?