Google Drive is live
I do not even have that in the black Google bar.
@gaieus said:
I do not even have that in the black Google bar.
Normally we're always last to the parade but it seems we rolled out on launch?
I got zero notification I just noticed Drive in the bar and clicked it. I presumed everyone was getting it.
@unknownuser said:
Can I just ask people to click the drive link on the google homepage when logged in(at the top of page in the big black bar). I have entered through that since yesterday no problem. Even though the other way says notify me.
you're special!
@gaieus said:
I do not even have that in the black Google bar.
you sure? go to the other sketchup forums (the one)
the black bar should be at the top of your screen there (and pretty much everywhere else in the googleverse)
[EDIT].. nevermind.. i can't even read what you typed properly…
Thank you Rich for the heads up,
another thread is actually talking about the interest of such services:
Dropbox's New feature - LinksAnd here is a comparison table (in french) with the main actors in this area:
Google Drive is very attractive !
Nah. Finally got GDrive. I'll see how it works.
@simon le bon said:
And here is a comparison table (in french) with the main actors in this area
++simonYou should look also at Sugar Sync, it starts with 5GB, +2GB sending 20 invitations, +500MB for each friend joined, +750MB for starting tasks. And it's more versatile than dropbox to syncronize the folders
My Google Docs app updated itself to Drive before I heard of Drive. Though it was strange I could not use the website. But today I got an email informing me I could start using Google Drive.
@paul russam said:
Did you read the comments?
Looks like GDrive is the ticket, guys!!!! We've been using DB for about six months now and while it is suits our situation GDrive is cheaper and frankly.... Well.... Google.
I think we'll bee changing. Do I need an invite or just go download and get going?Rich is right about SU9 too, it's fantastic!!
If you can see drive in the black bar I showed earlier then you can download and install.
If you can't see it then it's not yet live in Oz.
Did you try the new LayOut v4 yet?
Not in my UK black bar either
@unknownuser said:
Did you try the new LayOut v4 yet?
No, but I really enjoy Bezier Surface 2.0 Pro Edition.
@paul russam said:
or not...
@unknownuser said:
Your Content in our Services Some of our Services allow you to submit content. You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content. In short, what belongs to you stays yours.
They all need some rights so that they can operate. Some just speak more vague... still waiting my drive.
@tridem said:
You should look also at Sugar Sync, it starts with 5GB, +2GB sending 20 invitations, +500MB for each friend joined, +750MB for starting tasks. And it's more versatile than dropbox to syncronize the folders
Thank you Luca for this addition - I keep it in my links.
I just have signed for a DropBox account : Dropbox's Links feature seems very useful, and I'm interested by the synchronization too.
I just have signed also for a Google Drive account and waiting for my validation mail (
). This Drive should be extremely useful as storage and bridge with all the Google's services I already use: Gmail, Google+ , Picasa, SketchUP, G Maps , G Earth...
So for the moment, I think the storage possibilities and else features offered are widely enough for me
I'm glad to see that Google’s Terms of Service don't play in an insufferable way with privacy because I would like that Google can stay the only worldwide industry in which I trust reasonably...
Got an email from Mindmeister that they now offer an integration with Google Drive. This sounds very interesting - will try it out.
I decided to give GD a spin. I presume Google is still trying to iron out the kinks, although I see no feedback forum.
my 1st impression:- upload speed; reminds me of using the old 14.5 modem, took over 1.5 hours to uploaded 300MB (126 photos), upload server crapped out at 120 photo upload.
- web surfing while using GD, causes severe refresh rates.
- was unable to generate GD sharing over my home network.
I am a dropbox user and decided to give google drive a try because of its lower prices. one thing I immediately noticed is you cannot get links for other people to download your files. unless this is done in some other way through google docs but this would be much more complicated than in other similar services.